About the CSE Mentor Program

What is the CSE Mentor Program?

The CSE Mentor Program is a program organized by the CSE department to match up incoming freshman, students currently taking CSE115, with mentors.

What a mentor is

A mentor is a guide, someone you can turn to for advice about all sorts of things, like the CSE115 course (e.g. "Is it really OK to go to office hours?"), the department (e.g. "Who should I ask about my courses for next semester?"), the university (e.g. "Do I really have to pay my tuition?"), being a freshman (e.g. "I'm feeling a bit homesick - am I the only person who feels that way?"), and where to get good pizza (e.g. "Where can I get good pizza?").

What a mentor is not

A mentor is not a personal tutor. You can ask your mentor the odd course-related question, but you really should direct course-specific questions to your instructor or your teaching assistant for the course.

Who are the mentors?

The mentors are students who have recently completed CSE115 themselves, and have gone through the experience of being freshmen, and all that this entails. They have signed up to be mentors because they are interested in helping show new students the ropes, easing the transition to university life.

Who can get a mentor?

Anyone who would like a mentor can get a mentor, up to the capacity of the program. With our current set of mentors we can accept approximately 90 current CSE115 students as mentees. While some spots are already filled with students we assigned mentors, there are still open spots remaining. If you would like a mentor, send an e-mail to Carl Alphonce <alphonce@cse.buffalo.edu> with the subject line "[Mentor request] <your name>", substituting your name in place of :-)

Is this graded?

There is no homework, and it does not count towards your course grade at all. It is simply another resource you can take advantage of it you'd like, to help make your freshman experience all that much better!

Is there a deadline to ask for a mentor?

No, there is no deadline, but requests for mentors will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis.
Carl G. Alphonce
Last modified: Wed Sep 27 12:47:42 EDT 2006