CSE 116 Fall 2007 Presentation Grading Sheet


Group: A

Group Members:





Content [15 points]

Ø      Points awarded based on quality of the material presented.







Audibility [12 points]

Ø       Can I hear all the speakers? Was the volume and tone of their voices of a good quality for a presentation?







Clarity [12 points]

Ø      Was the material presented in a clear way?







Confidence [14 points]

Ø      Did the presenters seem confident in the material presented?

Ø       Did the presenters seem to understand the material that was presented?





Visual Aides [12 points]

Ø      Were visual aides used?

Ø      Were those aides effective in enhancing the presentation or were they just used so that the presenters could read off of them?




Interesting [15 points]

Ø      Did the presenters make an effort to make the presentation interesting?

Ø       Was the presentation structured in such a way that the audience could become interested in the material?