Lab 4 Grading Guideline ======================= [A] Attendance (40 points) Check the gradebook sheet for an indication of attendance for this lab. If the student attended, award 40 points. Otherwise, award 0 points. [B] interactions.txt file contents (60 points - 10 points per sub-section) Note that this file is plain text and not executable code. There may be many more lines of code than what is described for points, but the only lines that matter are the ones that are for points. (B1) Create a Room object There should be code inside the file that reads: new betterdecorator.Room() OR new betterdecorator.Room(COLOR) There will need to be a variable created for this object, but the credit for this part will be awarded based on the creation code only. (B2) Add curtains to the room that was just created. Therefore, a new Room should not be created, but a reference to the previously created room should be used. If curtains were added to a new room, only award 5 points. If curtains were added correctly the previously created room, award 10 points. (B3) Create two pieces of furniture and put them in the room. The choices for furniture are Couch, Lamp, Table, and Plant. The students should create at least two different of these and call the add method on the room to add them to the room. Each piece of furniture correctly created and added earns 10 points (for a total of 20 points for this part). If the pieces are created but not added award only 5 points for each piece of furniture. (B4) For each piece of furniture created in part B3, there should be at least one method call to change a default of that piece of furniture. Examples are size, location, rotation, etc. Changing one default for one piece of furniture is worth 10 points, so doing one default for both pieces of furniture is worth 20 points total. GIVING FEEDBACK You must e-mail a feedback/grade message to each student whose work you grade. You will ONLY e-mail to the student's cse e-mail account, which is The subject line will be: CSE115 Lab 4 Grade and feedback A copy of the bottom part of this email filled in by you should be sent to the student for their reference. If a student receives less that the maximum number of points, you must give an explanation of why the student lost points. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Lab #4: 100 points maximum] Your score ==> [A: 40 points maximum] You earned ==> [B: 60 points maximum] [B1: 10 points maximum] You earned ==> [B2: 10 points maximum] You earned ==> [B3: 20 points maximum] You earned ==> [B4: 20 points maximum] You earned ==>