Lab 7 Grading Guideline ======================= [A] Attendance (0 points if present, -20 if not present) Check the attendance data in the gradebook. If the student did not attend lab, deduct 20 points. [B] UML Diagram (0 points if present, -20 if not present) Ensure that a UML diagram was submitted with the assignment. It should reflect the assignment that was to be completed and show the classes that the student created for this assignment and the relationships between those classes. If the diagram is missing, deduct 20 points from the students final score. [C] Start up of program (20 points) When the program begins, a turtle appears in the center of the screen. There is no partial credit for this part. [D] Turtle Movements (15 points) For each of these, the functionality either works or does not, no partial credit. (D1) When you click on the drawing canvas, the turtle goes to where the mouse clicked [5 points] (D2) There is a button that causes the turtle to go to a random point on the drawing canvas [5 points] (D3) There is a button that sends the turtle back to the center of the drawing canvas [5 points] [E] Shape Drawing [NOTE: Students can only receive credit for one of the four options, and there is no partial credit.] (E1) [8 points possible) (E1a) Button to draw a shape that is fixed size and color. That means there is no user input to how the shape looks. {5 points} (E1b) There is a button that draws a different shape than the first but in the manner described in E1a {3 points} (E2) [15 points possible] (E2a) Button to draw a shape that is fixed size, but the user can select the color based on radio buttons with fixed colors attached to them (like advanced Lab 6) {10 points} (E2b) There is a button that draws a different shape than the first but in the manner described in E2a {5 points} (E3) [23 points possible] (E3a) Button to draw a shape where the color is selected as described in E2a, but the user can also designate the size of the shape using some user interface control. {15 points} ***************************************************************** ** Note that the size should not be fixed like small, medium, ** large, but the user should have a way to control it through ** the user of a slider or spinner. If the size is fixed amongst ** a few choices, they earn credit for E2, not E3. ***************************************************************** (E3b) There is a button that draws a different shape than the first but in the manner described in E3a {8 points} (E4) [36 points possible] (E4a) Button to draw shape where size is inputted by user as described in E3a, but the user selects colors from a JColorChooser. That is, there is no fixed set of colors to choose from {23 points} ***************************************************************** ** Note that the size should not be fixed like small, medium, ** large, but the user should have a way to control it through ** the user of a slider or spinner. If the size is fixed amongst ** a few choices, they only earn 18 points, and below only 10. ***************************************************************** (E4b) There is a button that draws a different shape than the first but in the manner described in E4a {13 points} [F] Erasing the screen (5 points) There should be a way for the user to erase all of the drawings from the screen. However, the turtle should remain, either where it originally was or back at the center of the screen. [G] Shapes with borders [NOTE: Students can only receive credit for one of the two options, and there is no partial credit.] (G1) There is a button that allows the user to draw at least one of the shapes with a black border. The color and size mechanisms should be preserved from E, but the shape should appear with a black border around it. {8 points} (G2) Alternatively, the shape with a border can come with a border of the user's choosing by implementing a JColorChooser. {10 points} [H] Rotation [16 points possible] (H1) Ability to rotate the turtle in any degree increment from 0-360. The user should be able to choose a degree they are interesting in rotating the turtle - being able to turn right, left, etc in a fixed way does not count for this part. {4 points} (H2) This change should also impact the rotation angle in which shapes are drawn. The shapes should then be drawn to match the rotation angle of the turtle. {4 points} (H2) Visual clue given about the direction the turtle is facing. That is you can see the turtle change directions when the user changes the degree of rotation {8 points} [I] Simple drawing [8 points] When clicked, a button produces a simple drawing, that is, something that has more than one shape involved with it. The drawing should appear relative to the turtle's position on the screen, but sizes and colors of the shapes can be pre-determined by the programmer. GIVING FEEDBACK You must e-mail a feedback/grade message to each student whose work you grade. You will ONLY e-mail to the student's cse e-mail account, which is The subject line will be: CSE115 Lab 7 Grade and feedback A copy of the bottom part of this email filled in by you should be sent to the student for their reference. If a student receives less that the maximum number of points, you must give an explanation of why the student lost points. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Lab #7: 100 points maximum] Your score ==> * Note that there is extra credit built into this lab so that students could earn a score greater than 100% *** Only indicate deductions in parts A & B **** [A:-20 points deduction] You earned ==> [B:-20 points deduction] You earned ==> ************************************************ ************************************** Note that for several of below, there are options to earn one set of points or another, see above for detailed descriptions. ************************************** [C: 20 points maximum] You earned ==> [D: 15 points maximum] You earned ==> [E: 36 points maximum] You earned ==> [F: 5 points maximum] You earned ==> [G: 10 points maximum] You earned ==> [H: 20 points maximum] You earned ==> [I: 8 points maximum] You earned ==>