CSE 250 - Fall 2008 Homework 3 Grading ******************* Note that now all files have been submitted electronically, so there are no paper versions of the test plans or analysis. However, there should be files included with each of these in the submission for the assignment. Part A - Lab 5 Programming Exercise 2 (16 points possible) ======================================================================== The function moves the item marked with the cursor to the beginning of the list, reassigning the cursor to the beginning in the process. Here is an outline of what the solution should contain with point breakdown (1) A test for the empty list [3 points] (2) A test to see if the cursor is already at the head - if so, don't do anything, operation over [5 points] (3) If cursor is not at the head, move the element that cursor points to to the beginning and set up the pointers correctly [8 points] Part B - Test plan for Part A (10 points possible) ======================================================================== Student should have at least four different possible types of ways this function could be used in their test plan. If there are at least four, award 10 points. If there are two or three different ways, award 5 points. If there are zero or one test cases, award 0 points. Part C - Lab 7 Programming Exercise 2 (34 points possible) ======================================================================== This exercise asked the students to make a queue into a deque. They were only required to do this for the array-based implementation of the queue. Function 1: putFront (17 points possible) (1) Check if queue is full [7 points] (2) Need to add new item to front of queue appropriately [10 points] Function 2: getRear (17 points possible) (1) Check is queue is empty [7 points] (2) Need to get element from rear of queue [10 points] Part D - Test plan for Part C (10 points possible) ======================================================================== Student should have at least four different possible types of ways this function could be used in their test plan. If there are at least four, award 10 points. If there are two or three different ways, award 5 points. If there are zero or one test cases, award 0 points. Part E - Analysis Exercise from Lab 6 (30 points possible) ======================================================================== There are 6 answers for this part, award 5 points each for correct big-oh analysis. If answer is correct, but explanation of answer has merit, award 2 points). push on array-based O(1) pop on array-based O(1) clear on array-based O(1) push on linked-based O(1) pop on linked-based O(1) clear on linked-based O(n)