CSE 250 - Fall 2008 Homework 4 Grading ******************* Note that now all files have been submitted electronically, so there are no paper versions of the test plans or analysis. However, there should be files included with each of these in the submission for the assignment. Part A - Lab 9 Programming Exercise 3 (38 points possible) ======================================================================== The function prints all of the elements in the tree that are less than an element that is passed in as a parameter (referred to as the greatest number below). Here is an outline of what the solution should contain with point breakdown (these are not necessarily in the order that they will appear in the coded solution, but rather a set of elements needed in the code. (1) A test for the empty tree [7 points] (2) Nothing happens (or exception) if the greatest element is not in the list [7 points] (3) Search the tree for the greatest element [7 points] (4) When found the element, print out only those things less than it [9 pts] (5) This printing process should be written in such a way that it does not need to look at all the elements of the tree if not necessary to do so. [8 points] Part B - Test plan for Part A (20 points possible) ======================================================================== Student should have at least four different possible types of ways this function could be used in their test plan. Examples would be printing from an empty tree, printing where the greatest number is stored at the root, printing where the greatest number is less than the root, printing where the greatest number is greater than the root, printing when the greatest number is not in the tree at all. If there are at least four, award 20 points. If there are two or three different ways, award 10 points. If there are zero or one test cases, award 0 points. Part C - Analysis Exercise 1 (14 points possible) ======================================================================== This was a big-oh question again. If the answer is correct, award 7 points. If the answer is not correct, but the explanation has merit, award 3 points. shortest tree answer is log n (balanced BST) tallest tree answer is n (essentially a list) Part D - Analysis Exercise 2 (28 points possible) ======================================================================== There are 4 answers for this part, award 7 points each for correct big-oh analysis. If answer is correct, but explanation of answer has merit, award 3 points). retrieve O(log n) insert O(log n) remove O(log n) writeKeys O(n)