Module 2 Grading Guideline Modules should be graded by loading the interactions history into the DrJava interactions pane and then executing each of the commands that the students entered into the history. Point breakdown: [7 points] Question 1 There is code in the script to create a World. [7 points] Question 2 There is code in the script to create a Turtle. [7 points] Question 3 The turtle is given the name of the student using the appropriate method. [24 points] Question 4 Turtle is issued at least ten commands. (3 points) Turtle told to go forward at least once. (3 points) Turtle told to go move to a particular pixel location at least once. (3 points) Turtle told to pick up pen at least once. (3 points) Turtle told to put down pen at least once. (3 points) Turtle told to turn to a particular angle at least once. (3 points) Turtle told to turn left at least once. (3 points) Turtle told to turn right at least once. (3 points) [24 points] Question 5 Turtle issued commands to draw a star. [24 points] Question 6 Turtle issued commands to draw an arrow. [7 points] Submission instructions followed File named Module2.hist was submitted. Filename including capitalization must be exact. If file submitted with another name, award 0 points.