Module 7 Grading Guideline Note: If there is no file named submitted, award 0 points total for this assignment. The testing of these submissions should be done by simply creating an instance of the PictureManipulator4 in the Interactions pane and then creating an instance of a Picture. Pass the picture to the appropriate methods and ensure results. There should be a picture object returned from the methods, so you can call show() on the returned value to ensure the functionality of the methods. Point breakdown: (Partial credit only where indicated.) [32 points] Sepia tint method (5) Method takes in parameter of Picture (5) Method creates a new picture that is the same size as the original picture (5) Method needs to call grayscale method (5) Loop present to get pixels out of now grayscale picture (7) In loop, if statements used to change the colors for the pixels accordingly (5) Returns a picture object has correct tints [33 points] Copy all but white pixels method (5) Method takes in two parameters of type Picture, one to take an image from and one to copy the image to (like in example, robot to the moon) (5) Loop present to get pixels out of original picture (4) In loop, for every pixel in the old picture, there is an if-statement used to determine if the pixel is white. (7) If it is white, do not move pixel to other picture. (7) If it is not white, pixel should move to other image. (5) Returns the results of the copying [35 points] Red, green, blue method (5) Method takes in parameter of Picture (5) Method creates a new picture that is the same size as original picture (5) Loop present to get pixels out of original picture (5) In loop, for every pixel in the old picture, the average color is computed (5) If statement looks at value, and if less than 85, turns turns the pixel green. (5) If less than 170, turns the pixel red. (5) Otherwise, turns the pixel blue. (5) Returns a picture object that only has red, green, and blue pixels