Module 8 Grading Guideline Note: If there is no file named submitted, award 0 points total for this assignment. The testing of these submissions should be done by simply compiling the file and calling its main method from the Tools menu. If the program does not run, award 0 points. If the program causes any NullPointerExceptions or other errors, award automatic grade of 50 points. Point breakdown: (Partial credit only where indicated.) [4 points] There is a constructor in the file that takes no parameters and has nothing in the method body. [4 points] There is a main method in the file that has the correct method header syntax. [4 points] Inside main a PictureProgram variable exists and is assigned the value of a new PictureProgram [4 points] This variable is used to call all the methods for this program. [4 points] There is a variable for a Picture that is assigned the value of the user selecting a picture using the FileChooser [2 points] A variable named pictureResult is created [4 points] This variable is assigned the value that results from the calling each of the methods for this program. [4 points] After the method is called, show() is called to show the results of the call. [4 points] Additional variables may be needed for 6.6 of module 7 and they are created and used appropriately. The following methods need to be called by the program: [2 points for each method call being present (22 points total)] From module 5: decreaseGreen45 increaseBlue60 modifyRed darkenPicture greenOnly From module 6: method from 5.9 method from 5.10 method from 5.15 From module 7: method from 6.4 method from 6.6 method from 6.14 Each of the above methods must have been changed in the following ways: [1 point each = 4 points per method = 44 points total] (1) Their full contents must appear in the file (2) Their return type must be Picture (3) They must take a parameter of type Picture (4) Must not call show() or explore() inside the method body If the student's original implementation of the method did not work, their original implementation must be there and then should be commented out. The method should simply print out the statement "Was not able to implement the method XXXX" where XXXX is replaced by the name or explanation of the method unimplemented. This will earn the four points for the unimplemented method.