CSE 113 Spring 2009 Lab 3 Grading: Grader: Yu Liu (yl73@buffalo.edu) Please email grader with any questions regarding your lab score. Total Score (out of 100): *************************************************************************** Crab moves around the screen (10 points) You earned: Crab turns when it hits the edges of the world (10 points) You earned: Food object exists in the scenario (10 points) You earned: If crab finds food, it eats is (10 points) You earned: Enemy object exists in the scenario (10 points) You earned: Enemy moves around and eats a crab if it sees it (10 points) You earned: Enemy implements one of the following: (15 points) Random movements: Keyboard control of movement: When the simulation begins, there are 4-5 crabs on the screen, 6-10 food and 1 enemy (15 points) You earned: The submission was submitted properly (10 points) You earned: Note: If there needs to be resubmission for any reason, these points CAN NOT be earned back.