CSE 250 – Spring 2009 In-lab Exercise 2 Due: February 9 Grader: Mike Prentice (mjp44) Total Points possible: You earned: [A] toPigLatin function (36%) [A1 – 4 or 0 points] Throws an exception or reports an error if there are characters other than letters in the word passed in as a parameter. You earned: Comments: [A2 – 16, 8 or 0 points] If the word starts with a vowel, appends “ay” to the end and returns the new word. You earned: Comments: [A3 – 16, 8 or 0 points ] If the word starts with a consonant, moves all consonants preceding the first vowel to the end of the word and appends “ay” to end, returning the new word. You earned: Comments: *********************************************************************************** [B] breakUpAndTranslate Function (40% - 10, 5, or 0 points per subsection) [B1] Correctly translates the empty string You earned: Comments: [B2] Correctly translates a string that contains a word, but no spaces or special characters You earned: Comments: [B3] Correctly translates a string that contains words separated by spaces, but no other special characters You earned: Comments: [B4] Correctly translates a string with any of the delimiters You earned: Comments: *********************************************************************************** [C] User interface (24% - 8, 4, or 0 points per subsection) [C1] Prompts for an input string You earned: Comments: [C2] Outputs the translated string You earned: Comments: [C3] Provides a way for the user to quit the interaction You earned: Comments: