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CSE 113 - Spring 2011 - Working Outside of 340 Bell

Working Outside of 340 Bell
Last modified: February 27 2011 04:36:25 PM

CSE 113 - Spring 2011 - Working Outside of 340 Bell

Working in 101 Bell

If you are interested in working in Bell 101, please consult here for open hours.

In Bell 101, you need to make sure you are not going to a computer that is connected to UBIT services, but rather the computers that are not marked that way and log you into the School of Engineering servers. You will be logging in using the same username and password as you do if you are upstairs in the 340 lab. The environment is the same. You will interact with Greenfoot the same way you do in the lab upstairs. If you don't remember how to log in and open Greenfoot in the lab upstairs, please refer to Lab 1. If for any reason, this is not working, you can open up a terminal window by right clicking and selecting that option and typing "use greenfoot" at the prompt that appears.


Working on your own Computer

Please consult page 163 of your course text for a more detailed description of installation.

The basics are that you need to install Java from a website (free), and Greenfoot (free). You do not need to install the book scenarios. Any book scenario you need will be linked to download from the lab assignment pages. All of these websites are listed in the book with additional instructions where needed.

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Page maintained by Adrienne Decker

Contact: adrienne@buffalo.edu | 130 Bell Hall | (716)645-3184