CSE 709

Green Computing and Sustainability

Spring 2023




Prof. Tevfik Kosar

Office: 338J Davis Hall

Phone: 645-2323

Email: tkosar@buffalo.edu

Office hour: Mon 1pm-2pm and Tue 12pm-1pm


Course Description:


The seminar will be on “Green Computing and Sustainability.” We will read and discuss state-of-the-art research on green computing, energy efficiency, and sustainability in the context of clouds, data centers, edge computing, and IoT.


The topics covered in this seminar will include:

-      Challenges and Opportunities for Green Computing

-      Metrics for Sustainability

-      Green HPC and Cloud Data Centers

-      Green Networking

-      Green Edge / IoT

-      Green AI / ML / DL

-      Future Directions for Green Computing


We will be reading and discussing two papers every week from the reading list below:


The reading list for the seminar is available here.


Course Location and Time:


The seminar will be held Wednesdays between 12:00pm-2:50pm. The mode of instruction will be hybrid. Some lectures will be held in person (at 338A Davis Hall), and some lectures will be held remotely over zoom. For details, please check the Piazza page for the course. First day of classes will be on Wednesday, February 1stth, 2023.




This is a research course. There will be no exams and no projects (unless there is a request from individual students for a term project). Each student will present 1 paper and will act as critic/advocate for 2 other papers. Each student is expected to read all papers, attend classes, and join the discussion of the papers. Grading will be P/F.


Useful Links:


-      How to Read a Paper, by S. Keshav.

-      Reviewing a Technical Paper, by M. Ernst