Comments: The pdf file is on hadar. The tech rep assigned number is 2003-05. ContactPerson: Remote host: ### Begin Citation ### Do not delete this line ### %R 2003-05 %U journal.pdf %A Garg, Ashim %A Rusu, Adrian %T Area-Efficient Order-Preserving Planar Straight-line Drawings of Ordered Trees %D May 16, 2003 %I Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SUNY Buffalo %K graph drawing, order-preserving, straight-line %X Ordered trees are generally drawn using order-preserving planar straight-line grid drawings. We therefore investigate the area-requirements of such drawings, and present several results: Let $T$ be an ordered tree with $n$ nodes. Then: \begin{itemize} \item $T$ admits an order-preserving planar straight-line grid drawing with $O(n\log n)$ area. \item If $T$ is a binary tree, then $T$ admits an order-preserving planar straight-line grid drawing with $O(n\log \log n)$ area. \item If $T$ is a binary tree, then $T$ admits an order-preserving {\em upward} planar straight-line grid drawing with {\em optimal} $O(n\log n)$ area. \end{itemize} We also study the problem of drawing binary trees with user-specified arbitrary aspect ratios. We show that an ordered binary tree $T$ with $n$ nodes admits an order-preserving planar straight-line grid drawing $\Gamma$ with width $O(A+\log n)$, height $O((n/A)\log A)$, and area $O((A+\log n)(n/A)\log A)=O(n\log n)$, where $2\leq A\leq n$ is any user-specified number. Also note that all the drawings mentioned above can be constructed in $O(n)$ time.