Remote host: ### Begin Citation ### Do not delete this line ### %U /tmp/ %A Ngo, Hung Q. %A Vu, Van H. %T On Multi-rate Rearrangeable Clos Networks and a Generalized Edge Coloring Problem on Bipartite Graphs %R 2002-07 %D May 10, 2002 %I Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SUNY Buffalo %K Multirate Rearrangeability, Clos Networks, Bipartite Graph Edge Coloring %X Chung and Ross (SIAM J. Comput., \textbf{20}, 1991) conjectured that the minimum number $m(n,r)$ of middle-state switches for the symmetric $3$-stage Clos network $C(n,m(n,r),r)$ to be rearrangeable in the multirate enviroment is at most $2n-1$. This problem is equivalent to a generalized version of the bipartite graph edge coloring problem. The best bounds known so far on this function $m(n,r)$ is $11n/9 \leq m(n,r) \leq 41n/16 + O(1)$, for $n, r \geq 2$, derived by Du-Gao-Hwang-Kim (SIAM J. Comput., \textbf{28}, 1999). In this paper, we make several contributions. Firstly, we give evidence to show that even a stronger result might hold. In particular, we show that $m(n,r) \leq \lceil (r+1)n/2 \rceil$, which implies $m(n,2) \leq \lceil 3n/2 \rceil$ - stronger than the conjectured value of $2n-1$. Secondly, we derive that $m(2,r) = 3$ by an elegant argument. Lastly, we improve both the best upper and lower bounds given above: $\lceil 5n/4 \rceil \leq m(n,r) \leq 2n-1+\lceil (r-1)/2 \rceil$, where the upper bound is an improvement over $41n/16$ when $r$ is relatively small compared to $n$. We also conjecture that $m(n,r) \leq \lfloor 2n(1-1/2^r) \rfloor$.