708 seminar on "Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems"


The seminar will meet Wednesdays 1-3pm at Davis 113A. The prerequisite is that the student must have completed CSE 586: Distributed Systems or equivalent graduate level distributed systems course. Here is a link to the seminar information.

Paper discussion

We will discuss 14 papers in 14 weeks. Each student will serve as a presenter for one paper, and as a participant for all the remaining papers. We will run the seminar as follows: (Here is another description of the format that explains the motivation behind it.)

1) By Monday midnight, each participant contributes 1 or 2 questions about the paper to the course webpage at Piazza.com.

2) The presenter writes a 2-3 page review of the paper, prints the copies of his review, and brings this to the meeting for review before his presentation. All the participants review the hardcopy of the review-report in the first 15 minutes of the meeting. So in the first 15 minutes, it is all silence. The presenter is at the podium, getting adjusted, while we review his report.

3) The presenter will use 40 minutes to discuss the heart (the most important and useful part) of the paper. The presenter is allowed to use no more than a 10-15 slide presentation. The slides should be mostly for visuals: figures, tables, graphs.

4) After the presentation, the presenter starts answering questions with first those that were submitted 1-2 day in advance on Piazza. The audience members who submitted the questions read the questions loudly, the presenter answers. And then we have more questions from the floor and more comments from the floor.

5) After the question-answer phase, participants form groups of 3, and mock-review the paper. The groups write the review collaboratively using Google docs. In a group, one participant may research about related work, and write that part of the review, while another may write about motivation/application aspect of the paper, and the other about the technical/methods aspects. Instead of a review a group can also write about related research questions to the current paper, in order to come up with interesting (and secondarily actionable) directions for future work. Again the group needs to be aggressive in its effort and brainstorm to come up with "novel", albeit speculative/little-far-fetched, research ideas.

Paper list

  1. Holistic Configuration Management at Facebook, SOSP 15 (Mayur)
  2. Implementing Linearizability at Large Scale and Low Latency, SOSP 15 (Aleksey)
  3. High-Performance ACID via Modular Concurrency Control, SOSP 15
  4. Existential Consistency: Measuring and Understanding Consistency at Facebook, SOSP 15 (Abhijit)
  5. No compromises: distributed transactions with consistency, availability, and performance, SOSP 15
  6. Building Consistent Transactions with Inconsistent Replication, SOSP 15 (Kun)
  7. Bolt-on Causal Consistency, Sigmod 13
  8. The Design and Implementation of the Wave Transactional Filesystem
  9. Arabesque: A System for Distributed Graph Mining, SOSP 15 (Jeff)
  10. Petuum: A New Platform for Distributed Machine Learning on Big Data, KDD 15 (Kuo)
  11. Graphlab: A new framework for parallel machine learning (Dhaval)
  12. Twitter Heron: Stream Processing at Scale, Sigmod 15
  13. Chimera: Large-scale classification using machine learning, rules, and crowdsourcing, VLDB 14
  14. The Mystery Machine: End-to-end Performance Analysis of Large-scale Internet Services, OSDI 14 (Damien)
  15. Pivot Tracing: Dynamic Causal Monitoring for Distributed Systems, SOSP 15
  16. IronFleet: Proving Practical Distributed Systems Correct, SOSP 15 (Anuj)

Study tips

As a participant, you should expect to spend around 4 hours reading each paper. When it is your turn to become the presenter, the preparation time should take to the north of 16 hours. Go through a couple papers in the list to gauge if you can handle the material technically.

Useful links
How I read a research paper
How to present your work
How to write your research paper
How I write
Advice to graduate students


Each student will be evaluated the same way, regardless of whether she is taking the class for 1 credit or 3 credits. I will assign the S/U grade based on attendance and paper presentation and discussion performance. (As department policy, we do not assign letter grades for 700-level seminar courses.)