CSE 111, Fall 2004

Turing Machine Program for Conjunction

Last Update: 3 October 2004

Note: NEW or UPDATED material is highlighted

I/O behavior:

Input representation:

Output representation:

  1. START; {go to state M0}

  2. Keep doing whichever of the following you can:

    1. if state = M0 and scanning 0 then
          go to state M1

    2. if state = M0 and scanning 1 then
          go to state M2

    3. if state = M1 and scanning 0 then NEW {the actual symbol scanned is irrelevant! Why?}
          go to state M4

    4. if state = M1 and scanning 1 then NEW {the actual symbol scanned is irrelevant! Why?}
          go to state M4

    5. if state = M2 and scanning 0 then
           UPDATED go to state M4 NEW {not "M3", as mistakenly shown earlier!}

    6. if state = M2 and scanning 1 then
          go to state M3

    7. if state = M3 and scanning 0 then NEW {the TM must be scanning 0! Why?}
          go to state M4

      {It is not possible to be in state M3 and scanning 1! Why?}
      {However, we could have an instruction for that case, perhaps like this:}

      {g'. if state = M3 and scanning 1 then ERROR STOP;}

  3. NEW STOP.

Copyright © 2004 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@cse.buffalo.edu)
file: 111F04/tm-and-prog-2004-10-03.html