Discrete Structures

Lecture Notes, 10 Sep 2010

Last Update: 13 September 2010

Note: NEW or UPDATED material is highlighted

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  1. "Recursive" Definition of ("Well-Formed" or Grammatically Correct) Proposition:

    1. Base Case:
        Atomic propositions (represented by p, q, r, etc.) are (well-formed (wf), grammatically correct) propositions.

    2. "Recursive" Cases:
        If A, B are (wf, grammatically correct) propositions (either atomic or molecular),

        1. ¬A
        2. (AB)
        3. (AB)
        4. (AB)
        5. (AB)
        6. (AB)

        are (wf, grammatically correct) "molecular" (or "compound") propositions.

    3. "Closure" clause: Nothing else is a (wf, grammatically correct) proposition.

  2. Computing truth tables for molecular propositions:

    1. Base case: The truth value of an atomic proposition is either T or else it is F.

    2. Recursive case:

      1. The recursive case is based on the Principle of Compositionality:

        The truth value of a molecular proposition depends on (i.e., is a function of) (i.e., is computed from)

        1. the truth values of its "constituent parts"
        2. and its "principal connective"

            Let * be any of the logical connectives.
          • The (constituent) parts of (A * B) are A and B.
          • The principal connective of (A * B) is *.

      2. So, to compute the t-val of a molecular proposition of the form (A * B),
          first compute the t-val of A,
          then compute the t-val of B,
          then use the t-val for * to combine these t-vals into the t-val for (A * B).

      3. UPDATED
        How do you compute the t-vals of A and of B?
          If they are molecular, follow rule B
            (but aren't we in the middle of applying rule B?
            This is called a "recursive" application of the rule,
              because the same rule "recurs" (= re-occurs) inside of its own application)

          If they are atomic, then apply the Base Case, rule A:

            the t-val is either T or else F.

    3. UPDATED
      In the t-table for ((p ∨ q) ∧ ¬(p ∧ q)) from last lecture,
        the "input" columns are the tvals of the atomic propositions,
        the "intermediate columns" are the tvals of the constituent parts,
        and the "output" column is the final t-val for the molecular proposition.

  3. Translating from English to Logic:

    1. This is a hard problem, because there are lots of different ways to say the same thing in English;

    2. It is equivalent to the Natural-Language Understanding Problem of computational linguistics:
        How do you represent English sentences so that computers can understand them?

      1. Trivial way: input English sentence S1; output atomic proposition p1
      2. For better ways, see websites, esp. Suber's guide

  4. Propositional Equivalences (§1.2)

    1. Consider the t-table for (p ∨ ¬p)
      (I won't type it in here; you should do it!)

      Note that, for all possible t-vals of its atomic proposition, the t-val of the molecular proposition is T.

    2. Def:
        Let A be a proposition.
        Then A is a tautology
        for all possible t-vals of A's atomic propositions (i.e., for all rows of A's t-table), t-val(A)=T.

    3. Consider the t-table for (p ∧ ¬p)
      (I won't type it in here; you should do it!)

      Note that, for all possible t-vals of its atomic proposition, the t-val of the molecular proposition is F.

    4. Def:
        Let A be a proposition.
        Then A is a contradiction
        for all possible t-vals of A's atomic propositions (i.e., for all rows of A's t-table), t-val(A)=F.

    5. Consider the t-table for (pq)
      (I won't type it in here; you should do it!)

      Note that, there are some possible t-vals of its atomic proposition such that the t-val of the molecular proposition is T,
      but there are some other possible t-vals of its atomic proposition such that the t-val of the molecular proposition is F.

    6. UPDATED
        Let A be a proposition.
        Then A is contingent
        there are some possible t-vals of A's atomic propositions (i.e., there are some rows of A's t-table) such that t-val(A)=T
          (so it's not a contradiction),
        but there are some (other) possible t-vals of A's atomic propositions (i.e., there are some other rows of A's t-table) such that t-val(A)=F
          (so it's not a tautology).

    7. Recall that the input-output columns of the t-table for ((p ∨ q) ∧ ¬(p ∧ q)) matched those of the t-table for (p ⊕ q).

      1. Def:
          Let A, B be propositions.
          Then A is (logically) equivalent to B
          for all rows of A's and B's t-tables, t-val(A) = t-val(B)

      2. Notation: AB for: A is logically equivalent to B

        • So, we can say:
            ((p ∨ q) ∧ ¬(p ∧ q)) ≡ (p ⊕ q)

        • Note that ≡ is not one of our proposition-forming binary connectives
            (it's not part of the recursive definition of "proposition").
          And "A ≡ B" is not a proposition of propositional logic.
          Instead, it's a sentence of "mathematical English" that is about propositional logic.
Next lecture: the relation between ≡ and ↔…

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