Discrete Structures

Lecture Notes, 20 Sep 2010

Last Update: 20 September 2010

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§1.3: Predicates & Quantifiers (cont'd)

  1. (Recursive) Definition of Well-Formed Proposition of FOL:


    1. Base Cases:

      1. Atomic propositions (p, q, r, …) of propositional logic are well-formed (atomic) propositions of FOL.

      2. If t1,…,tn are terms (NPs)
        & if R is an n-place predicate,
        then R(t1,…,tn) is a WF (atomic) proposition of FOL (a "subatomic" proposition)

    2. Recursive Cases:

      • If A, B are WF (atomic or molecular) propositions of FOL,
        & if v is a variable,

        1. ¬A
        2. (AB)
        3. (AB)
        4. (AB)
        5. (AB)
        6. (AB)
        7. v[A]
        8. v[A]

        are WF (molecular) propositions of FOL

  2. Definition of Term of FOL:

    1. If v is a variable, then v is a term of FOL.

        E.g., x, y, z, … are terms

    2. If c is a constant, then c is a term of FOL.

        E.g., "fred", "evelyn", 1, √2, … are terms

    3. (another clause to be presented later, maybe…)
    4. Nothing else is a term.

      • In particular, no predicate is a term!
        I.e., if R is a predicate, then R is not a term.

        So: predicates can never appear in term-position;
        i.e., in FOL, predicates cannot be terms of other predicates;
        i.e., predicates cannot appear inside other predicates

  3. Syntax & Semantics of the Quantifiers:

    where v is any variable
    & where A is any proposition,
      all of the "old" ones
      & any of these "new" ones;

    if A is atomic,
    the brackets can be omitted;

      e.g., ∀xR(x)
    Everything in the domain satisfies A.

    For all objects v in the domain, A is the case.

    All humans are mortal ≡

    x[Human(x) → Mortal(x)]

    Note the use of →!

    all objects in the domain are such that tval(A)=T

    e.g., tval(∀xR(x))=T
    all objects in the domain have the property named by R

    as above

    e.g., ∃xR(x)

    Something satisfies A

    There is (or: there exists) an object v in the domain for which A is the case.

    Some human is mortal ≡

    x[Human(x) ∧ Mortal(x)]

    Note the use of ∧!!

    at least one object in the domain is such that tval(A)=T

    e.g., tval(∃xR(x))=T
    at least one obj in the domain has the property named by R

  4. The truth value of a quantified proposition depends on the domain:

      W={1,2,3,…} N={0,1,2,3,…} Z={…–3,–2,–1,0,1,2,3,…}
    x[x > 0] TF
    (because ¬(0>0))
    x[x ≥ 0] TTF


  5. Finite domains:

    Consider the domain be {0,1,2,3}.
    Then tval(∀xR(x)) = T iff, for all values of x in the domain, tval(R(x)) = T
                                          iff tval(R(0))=T & tval(R(1))=T & tval(R(2))=T & tval(R(3))=T

    ∴ ∀xR(x) ≡ R(0) ∧ R(1) ∧ R(2) ∧ R(3)

    Similarly, we can show that: ∃xR(x) ≡ R(0) ∨ R(1) ∨ R(2) ∨ R(3)

  6. De Morgan's Laws for Quantifiers (or: How to Negate a Quantifier):

    In a finite domain, say {0,1}:

    xP(x) ≡ P(0) ∧ P(1).

    ∴ ¬∀xP(x) ≡ ¬(P(0) ∧ P(1))
                        ≡ (¬P(0) ∨ ¬P(1)), by DeMorgan for the negation of ∧
                        ≡ ∃x[¬P(x)]

    Not only is this also true in an infinite domain, but so is this:

    ¬∃xP(x) ≡ ∀x[¬P(x]

    and these:

    xP(x) ≡ ¬∀x¬P(x)
    xP(x) ≡ ¬∃x¬P(x)

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Text copyright © 2010 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@buffalo.edu)
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