Discrete Structures

Lecture Notes, 8 Dec 2010

Last Update: 8 December 2010

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§9.6, esp. pp. 653–655
§9.8, esp. p. 668;
§4.3(!), esp. p. 302;
§10.1, esp. p. 685–686:

Graphs (cont'd) and Rooted Trees

  1. The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is "NP":

    1. ∃ no known algorithm for solving it in Polynomial time
      by a deterministic Turing Machine (e.g., your laptop)

      • A problem is computable in P-time
        in the worst case, the time it takes to compute a solution for it
        on a deterministic Turing Machine
        is a polynomial function of the size of its input n.

        • i.e.) time is no worse than aknk + ak–1nk–1 + … + a1n + a0,
          for some integer k and real constants ai

        • e.g.) exponential time (order of 2²) is not in P

    2. It can only be computed in Non-deterministic Polynomial time

      • i.e.) solvable in polynomial time by a non-deterministic TM

        • A non-deterministic TM
          a TM that does all possible "next steps" simultaneously until it finds a solution.

      • hence, ≡ SAT

        • SAT = finding an assignment of truth values that "sat"isfies a proposition of propositional logic

          • i.e.) computing a truth table with n atomic propositions

    3. P = NP?

      • The greatest unsolved problem of CS
      • All functions divide into:

        • those not computable even in principle
        • those that are computable
          (by a Turing Machine, or by a recursive function),
          which divide into:

          • those computable in practice
            (i.e., polynomial time, or "P")

          • those not computable in practice
            (i.e., non-deterministic polynomial time, or "NP")

      • Read Goldman's Theorem

        • (humorous novel about P=NP written by a guy I went to elementary school with :-)

    4. and TSP is NP-hard:

      • at least as hard as—and possibly harder than—any other NP problem

    5. and TSP is NP-complete:

      • if can solve it in P-time,
        then can solve all other problems in P-time

  2. The 4-Color Theorem:

    1. Thm (4CT): No map needs >4 colors

      • Convention: Two "countries" that share a linear boundary must be colored differently.

    2. How many colors does this map need?

      • It can be colored with 5 colors,
        but does it need 5?

          uses colors 1,…,5

      • No:

          only needs colors 1,…,4

    3. Can represent a map as a graph:

      • vertices represent countries;
        edges represent boundaries

    4. Then can use graph theory + a computer! to prove 4CT

      • Appel & Haken (1976) had to consider 2000 special cases
      • Univ. of Illinois postmark: "4 Colors Suffice!"

      • Does this change the nature of mathematical proof?
        (Do we need to prove that the computer program that proved 4CT was correct?)

  3. Trees & Rooted Trees:

    1. Def:

      1. E.g.)

      2. But this is not a tree (has a circuit):

      3. Nor is this (it's not connected;
        it's a "forest": a graph consisting of two (or more) trees)

      4. This "rooted", directed tree (with a "start" vertex, or "root") is a tree:

          (think of each edge as being directed "downwards")

    2. Recursive Def of "Rooted Tree":

        Base Case:

          Let r be a vertex

          Then T = ({r}, ∅)

          • (where V = {r} & E = ∅)

          isdef a rooted tree with root r

          • (∴ the base case of a rooted tree, T, is a graph with 1 vertex & no edges!)

        Recursive Case:

          Let T1, … , Tn be (a forest of) disjoint rooted trees with roots r1, … , rn

          • ("disjoint" means that their vertex sets are disjoint)

          Let r be a new vertex ≠ each ri

          Then the directed graph consisting of r with an edge from r to each ri

          a rooted tree with root r

    3. Set-Theoretical Recursive Def of Rooted Tree:

      1. Just as a test of your mathematical reading skills ;-)

      2. Base Case:

          Let r be a vertex.
          Then T = ( {r}, ∅ ) is a tree rooted at r

      3. Recursive Case:

          ∀ i ∈ {1, … , n}:

            Let ri be a vertex.
            Let Vi be a set of vertices.
            Let Ei be a set of edges.
            Let Ti = (Vi, Ei) be a tree rooted at ri.

          Let T1, … , Tn be a forest of disjoint trees (rooted at r1, … , rn).

          Let r be a vertex ≠ each ri.

          Tn+1 = ( Vn+1 = i∈{1,…n}Vi ∪ {r},

                      En+1 = i∈{1,…n}Eii∈{1,…n}{(r,ri)} )

          is a tree rooted at r.

    4. E.g.)

        T1 = • r1

        T2 = • r2

        T3 = • r3

          are rooted trees with roots ri by the base case.

        T4 =

        is a rooted tree with root r4 by the recursive case
        (and T1, T2, T3 are subtrees of T4)

        and if T5 =

        is a rooted tree with root r5,
        then T7 =

        is a rooted tree with root r7

    5. Terminology for Rooted Trees:

      1. Recall that a rooted tree is a digraph!
      2. Consider this rooted tree:

        Then here is the "feminist"/"male chauvinist"/neutral terminology:

      3. "a" is the mother/father/parent of "b" and "c"
      4. "b" is a daughter/son/child of "a"
      5. "b" and "c" are sister/brother/sibling vertices
      6. "b" and "d" are descendants of "a"
      7. "a" is an ancestor of "b",…,"e"

        and, switching metaphors:

      8. "a" is the root
      9. "d", "e", and "c" are leaves
      10. "b" is the root of a subtree with leaves "d" and "e"

Next lecture…

Text copyright © 2010 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@buffalo.edu)
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