CSE 463/563, Spring 2005


Propositional Logic II

Last Update: 15 February 2005

Note: NEW or UPDATED material is highlighted

In what follows, I omit parentheses and set-theoretic braces where there is no ambiguity or where they would be distracting. Also, I have fixed the symbol for the material biconditional NEW and for Greek-letter metavariables, which did not print on some browsers.

  1. UPDATED to use metavariables!

    Here are the elimination and introduction rules for inclusive disjunction:

    vIntro:  From α                From β
             -----------           -----------
             Infer (αvβ)           Infer (αvβ)
    vElim:   From (αvβ)            From (αvβ)
             and  ¬α               and  ¬β
             ----------            ----------
             Infer β               Infer α

    Using these and any other rules of inference introduced in lecture, give natural-deduction proofs of the following:

    1. ¬P ^ (P v Q) |- Q
    2. ¬P ^ (P v Q) ^ (¬Q v R) |- R

  2. Show, using truth tables, that the following wffs are tautologies:

    1. (¬P ^ (P v Q)) > Q
    2. (¬P ^ (P v Q) ^ (¬Q v R)) > R

  3. Using a truth table, semantically verify that DeMorgan's Law of Distributivity of ¬ (negation) over ^ (conjunction) is a tautology:

  4. Consider the following syntax and semantics for a propositional KR language:

    Syntax: The following are all and only the atomic wffs:


    Using the semantics given above, translate the following wffs into English:

    1. (Smoke > Smoke)
    2. (Smoke > Fire)
    3. (Smoke > Fire) > (¬Smoke > ¬Fire)
    4. Smoke v Fire v ¬Fire
    5. ((Smoke ^ Heat) > Fire)  <u>=</u>  ((Smoke > Fire) v (Heat > Fire))
    6. (Smoke > Fire) > ((Smoke ^ Heat) > Fire)

  5. UPDATED to clarify scope of question.

    Using truth tables, determine which of the wffs in 4(a)--4(f) are:


Copyright © 2005 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@cse.buffalo.edu)
file: 563S05/hw04-2005-02-14-2.html