CSE 463/563, Spring 2005

Proper Subformula

Last Update: 25 February 2005

Note: NEW or UPDATED material is highlighted

In lecture, I have used the expression "proper subproposition" or sometimes "proper subformula" or even "proper subwff".

Here is a recursive definition of "proper subwff" for our language for FOL.

Let α, β, γ be wffs.

  1. If γ is ¬α, then α is a proper subwff of γ.
  2. If γ is (α v β), then α and β are proper subwffs of γ.
  3. If γ is (α ^ β), then α and β are proper subwffs of γ.
  4. If γ is (α > β), then α and β are proper subwffs of γ.
  5. If γ is (α <u>=</u> β), then α and β are proper subwffs of γ.

  6. Let Q be a quantifier (either A or E).
    Let v be a variable.
    Then if γ is Qv.α, then α is a proper subwff of γ.

  7. If α is a proper subwff of β, and β is a proper subwff of γ, then α is a proper subwff of γ.
  8. Nothing else is a proper subwff.

An Example:

The proper subwffs of:


You can make a nice (recursive) tree diagram with the main wff at the root, and the proper subwffs as children; the leaves will be the atomic wffs. (However, in the case of an FOL wff, some of the leaves might not be sentences, because of the presence of free variables.)

Copyright © 2005 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@cse.buffalo.edu)
file: 563S05/propersubwff-2005-02-25.html