%NAME AND DATE OF THIS FILE: % % % % %To process this document, type % latex FILENAME.tex %at the Unix prompt. The output will be in a file named % FILENAME.dvi %It can be viewed using the Unix command "xdvi FILENAME.dvi" %or printed using "dvips -Pprinter FILENAME.dvi" % %Or process using: % pdflatex FILENAME.tex %which produces FILENAME.pdf as output %which can then be viewed/printed using Acrobat or Mac Preview % % \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{amssymb,fullpage,times,mathptm} %to draw a line across the page: \newcommand{\blank}{\mbox{}\hrulefill\linebreak} %uncomment this to make it double-spaced (default is single-spaced) %all papers for Prof. Rapaport should be double-spaced; %appendices containing code or runs can be single-spaced \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{2} \title{\bf TITLE} \author{ {\bf PUT_YOUR_NAME_HERE} \\\\ {\bf PUT_OTHER_INFO_HERE} } %\date{} % Leaving this commented out produces today's date. % Uncommenting it and... % ... putting a date in the {} prints that date % ... putting nothing in the {} prints no date \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \noindent PUT_ABSTRACT_HERE \end{abstract} \section*{References} \begin{list}{}{\leftmargin 20pt \itemindent -20pt \parsep 0pt \itemsep 0pt} \small \item PUT_FIRST_BIBLIOGRAPHY_ITEM_HERE \item PUT_SECOND_BIBLIOGRAPHY_ITEM_HERE \end{list} \end{document}