Here is a transcript of a ``conversation'' with CASSIE, the Cognitive Agent of the SNePS System (an Intelligent Entity).

User input is on lines with the :-prompt; CASSIE's output is on the lines that follow.

: Young Lucy petted a yellow dog
I understand that young Lucy petted a yellow dog

: What is yellow
a dog is yellow

: Dogs are animals
I understand that dogs are animals

: Who petted an animal
young Lucy petted a yellow dog

: Lucy is clever
I understand that young Lucy is clever

: Lucy is a girl
I understand that clever young Lucy is a girl

: Girls are people
I understand that girls are people

: What was petted by a person
a yellow dog was petted by clever young Lucy

: The dog is named Rover
I understand that Rover is a yellow dog

: What was petted by a person
yellow Rover was petted by clever young Lucy

: For every d if d is a dog then there is a b such that b is a boy and b owns d
I understand that for every d, if d is a dog then there exists a b such that b is a boy and b owns d

: The boy is named John
I understand that John is a boy

: Who owns Rover
John owns yellow Rover

: John believes that Lucy is rich
I understand that John believes that Lucy is rich

: Who is rich
I don't know.

: Who is clever
young Lucy is clever

: John believes that Lucy is old
I understand that John believes that rich Lucy is old

: Boys are people
I understand that boys are people

: Dogs are pets
I understand that dogs are pets

: For every p and d if p is a person and d is a pet then p loves d
I understand that for every d and p, if p is a person and d is a pet then p loves d

: Who loves a pet
clever young Lucy loves yellow Rover and John loves yellow Rover

(For more information, see the next page.)

William J. Rapaport (rapaport@cs.buffalo.edu)
file: cassie.conversation.28ja98.html