;;; Background knowledge for the "fold" passage ;;; Written by Masashi Sato ; Define necessary composition of paths ; superclass relation is transitive. (define-path superclass (compose superclass (kstar (compose subclass- superclass)))) ;subclass relation is transitive (define-path subclass (compose subclass (kstar (compose superclass- subclass)))) ;member relation is transitive (define-path member (compose member class- (kstar (compose subclass- superclass)))) ;=====================RULE REPRESENTATIONS===================== ;---------subclass/superclass relation background------------ ; For all sub, sup, a, and T, if sub is a subclass of sup, and sup does act ; a at T, then sub also act a at T. (describe (add forall ($sub $sup $a $T) &ant (build subclass *sub superclass *sup) &ant (build etime *T eaffair (build agent *sup act *a)) cq (build etime *T eaffair (build agent *sub act *a)))) ;-----------Synonym rule----------- ; For all verb1, verb2, borg1, borg2, and p, if verb1 and verb2 are ; synonyms, and the fact that agent borg1 does verb1 on borg2 has ; the property p, then the fact that agent borg1 does verb2 on ; object borg2 has also the property p. (describe (add forall ($verb1 $verb2 $borg1 $borg2 $p) &ant (build synonym *verb1 synonym *verb2) &ant (build object (build agent *borg1 act (build action *verb1 object *borg2)) property *p) cq (build object (build agent *borg1 act (build action *verb2 object *borg2)) property *p))) ;---------Antonym background------------ ;;;********************************************************************** ;;; These two following antonym rules for properties were written ;;; by Matthew Watkins please see ;;; ;;Antonym-Antonym rules ;If x and y are antonyms and z has the property x, then z does not have the property y. (describe (add forall ($p1 $p2 $o) &ant ((build antonym *p1 antonym *p2) (build object *o property *p1)) cq (build arg (build object *o property *p2) min 0 max 0))) ;If x and y are antonyms and z does not have the property x, then z does have the ;property y. (describe (add forall ($pr1 $pr2 $ob) &ant ((build antonym *pr1 antonym *pr2) (build arg (build object *ob property *pr1) min 0 max 0)) cq (build object *ob property *pr2))) ;;;********************************************************** ;----------------Depression rule-------------- ; If great depressions, including "Great Depression", take place ; throughout a time interval T, then many business organization fail. ;<-> For all d, borg, and T, if d is a member of depression with a property ; of being great, and depression takes place throughout a time interval T, ; then many business organizations fail throuought the time interval T. (describe (add forall ($d $borg $T) &ant (build member *d class (build lex "depression")) &ant (build object *d property (build lex "great")) &ant (build etime *T eaffair *d) &ant (build subclass *borg superclass (build lex "business organization")) cq (build etime *T eaffair (build agent *borg act (build action (build lex "fail")))))) ;---------Business organization background------------ ; Each member of a small business class has a property of being small. (describe (add forall $sb ant (build member *sb class (build lex "small business")) cq (build object *sb property (build lex "small")))) ; Each member of the large corporation has the property of being large. (describe (add forall $lc ant (build member *lc class (build lex "large corporation")) cq (build object *lc property (build lex "large")))) ; If a subclass of small business class fail throughout T,then the subclass ; bankrupts, dissolves, or large corporation acqure it throughout T. ;;;;; (describe (add forall ($subsborg $sublborg $T) &ant (build subclass *subsborg superclass (build lex "small business")) &ant (build subclass *sublborg superclass (build lex "business organization")) &ant (build etime *T eaffair (build agent *subsborg act (build action (build lex "fail")))) cq (build min 1 max 3 arg (build etime *T eaffair (build agent *subsborg act (build action (build lex "bankrupt")))) arg (build etime *T eaffair (build agent *subsborg act (build action (build lex "dissolve")))) arg (build etime *T eaffair (build agent *sublborg act (build action (build lex "acquire") object *subsborg)))))) ;---------Event affair property background------------ ; Eventaffairs such that any business organization, fails, bankrupts, ; and dissolves have the property of being destructive to business. (describe (add forall $borg &ant (build subclass *borg superclass (build lex "business organization")) cq (build object (build agent *borg act (build action (build lex "fail"))) property (build lex "destructive to business")) cq (build object (build agent *borg act (build action (build lex "bankrupt"))) property (build lex "destructive to business")) cq (build object (build agent *borg act (build action (build lex "dissolve"))) property (build lex "destructive to business")))) ; The event in which a business organization acquire another ; organization has the property of being destructive to business. (describe (add forall ($borg1 $borg2) &ant (build subclass *borg1 superclass (build lex "business organization")) &ant (build subclass *borg2 superclass (build lex "small business")) cq (build object (build agent *borg1 act (build action (build lex "acquire") object *borg2)) property (build lex "destructive to business")))) ;---------event time interval background------------ ; For all T1, T2, and e, if T1 is an super-interval of the ; initial-sub-interval T2, and e is an event affair and occurs ; throughout T1 , then e is also an event affair throughout T2. (describe (add forall ($T1 $T2 $e) &ant (build super-interval *T1 initial-sub-interval *T2) &ant (build etime *T1 eaffair *e) cq (build etime *T2 eaffair *e))) ;---------unknown verb => unknown event affair background------------ ;;;;; ; For all x and uv, if agent x act uv action, uv is unknown, and x is a subclass of ; business organization, then its event affair is unknown. (describe (add forall ($x $uv) &ant (build agent *x act (build action *uv)) = ea1 &ant (build object *uv property (build lex "unknown")) &ant (build subclass *x superclass (build lex "business organization")) cq (build object *ea1 property (build lex "unknown")))) ;***KEY RULE1*** ;---------event affairs background------------ ; For all ea1, ea2, and T, if ea1 or ea2 happens throughout a time ; interval T, ea1 has the property of being destructive to business, and ea2 is an ; unknown event affair, then possibly, ea2 is also destructive to business. (describe (add forall ($ea1 $ea2 $T) &ant (build min 1 max 2 arg (build etime *T eaffair *ea1) arg (build etime *T eaffair *ea2)) &ant (build object *ea1 property (build lex "destructive to business")) &ant (build object *ea2 property (build lex "unknown")) cq (build mode (build lex "possibly") object (build object *ea2 property (build lex "destructive to business"))))) ;***KEY RULE2*** ; For all x, verb, and p, if agent x act verb action, and this event is ; possibly p, then uv action is also possibly p. (describe (add forall ($x $verb $p) ant (build mode (build lex "possibly") object (build object (build agent *x act (build action *verb)) property *p)) cq (build object *verb property *p))) ;=====================NON-RULE REPRESENTATIONS===================== ;---------1930's background------------ ; Something took place during 1930s. (describe (add etime (build lex "1930s") eaffair #GD)) ; The something #GD was a member of depression. (describe (add member *GD class (build lex "depression"))) ; Its propername was "Great Depression". (describe (add object *GD propername (build lex "Great Depression"))) ; Great Depression has the property of being great. (describe (add object *GD property (build lex "great"))) ;---------Small businesses background------------ ; Many small business is a subclass of small business. (describe (add subclass (build lex "many small business") superclass (build lex "small business"))) ; Small business is a subclass of business organization. (describe (add subclass (build lex "small business") superclass (build lex "business organization"))) ; Business organization is a subclass of organization. (describe (add subclass (build lex "business organization") superclass (build lex "organization"))) ;---------antonym of property background------------ ; Its antonym of a property small is a property large. (describe (add antonym (build lex "small") antonym (build lex "large"))) ;---------Large corporations background------------ ; Large corporation is a subclass of corporation. (describe (add subclass (build lex "large corporation") superclass (build lex "corporation"))) ; Corporation is a subclass of business organization. (describe (add subclass (build lex "corporation") superclass (build lex "business organization"))) ;---------synonym of verb background------------ ; Its synonym of a verb "acquire" is a verb "buy up". (describe (add synonym (build lex "acquire") synonym (build lex "buy up"))) ;---------"fold" is unknown------------ (describe (add object (build lex "fold") property (build lex "unknown")))