============================================================== Starting image `/util/acl62/composer' with arguments `(-L /projects/snwiz/bin/sneps -e (sneps))' in directory `/home/csgrad/krishna2/cva/final' on machine `localhost'. Loading system SNePS...10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% SNePS-2.6 [PL:1a 2004/08/26 23:05:27] loaded. Type `(sneps)' or `(snepslog)' to get started. Welcome to SNePS-2.6 [PL:1a 2004/08/26 23:05:27] Copyright (C) 1984--2004 by Research Foundation of State University of New York. SNePS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Type `(copyright)' for detailed copyright information. Type `(demo)' for a list of example applications. 12/17/2004 0:04:41 * (demo "~/cva/final/kolper.demo.1") File /home/csgrad/krishna2/cva/final/kolper.demo.1 is now the source of input. CPU time : 0.00 * ; ======================================================================= ; FILENAME: kolper.demo.1 ; DATE: 10/29/2004 - 11/23/2004 ; PROGRAMMER: Rahul Krishna ;; this template version: template.demo.2003.11.17.txt ; Lines beginning with a semi-colon are comments. ; Lines beginning with "^" are Lisp commands. ; All other lines are SNePS commands. ; ; To use this file: run SNePS; at the SNePS prompt (*), type: ; ; (demo "kolper.demo" :av) ; ; Make sure all necessary files are in the current working directory ; or else use full path names. ; ======================================================================= ; Turn off inference tracing. ; This is optional; if tracing is desired, then delete this. ^( --> setq snip:*infertrace* nil) nil CPU time : 0.00 * ; Load the appropriate definition algorithm: ^( --> load "/projects/rapaport/CVA/STN2/defun_noun.cl") ; Loading /projects/rapaport/CVA/STN2/defun_noun.cl t CPU time : 0.30 * ; Clear the SNePS network: (resetnet t) Net reset CPU time : 0.00 * ; OPTIONAL: ; UNCOMMENT THE FOLLOWING CODE TO TURN FULL FORWARD INFERENCING ON: ; ; ;enter the "snip" package: ^( --> in-package snip) # CPU time : 0.00 * ; ; ;turn on full forward inferencing: ^( --> defun broadcast-one-report (represent) (let (anysent) (do.chset (ch *OUTGOING-CHANNELS* anysent) (when (isopen.ch ch) (setq anysent (or (try-to-send-report represent ch) anysent))))) nil) broadcast-one-report CPU time : 0.00 * ;re-enter the "sneps" package: ^( --> in-package sneps) # CPU time : 0.00 * ; load all pre-defined relations: (intext "/projects/rapaport/CVA/STN2/demos/rels") File /projects/rapaport/CVA/STN2/demos/rels is now the source of input. CPU time : 0.00 * (a1 a2 a3 a4 after agent against antonym associated before cause class direction equiv etime event from in indobj instr into lex location manner member mode object on onto part place possessor proper-name property rel skf sp-rel stime subclass superclass subset superset synonym time to whole kn_cat) CPU time : 0.03 * End of file /projects/rapaport/CVA/STN2/demos/rels CPU time : 0.04 * ; load all pre-defined path definitions: (intext "/projects/rapaport/CVA/mkb3.CVA/paths/paths") File /projects/rapaport/CVA/mkb3.CVA/paths/paths is now the source of input. CPU time : 0.00 * before implied by the path (compose before (kstar (compose after- ! before))) before- implied by the path (compose (kstar (compose before- ! after)) before-) CPU time : 0.00 * after implied by the path (compose after (kstar (compose before- ! after))) after- implied by the path (compose (kstar (compose after- ! before)) after-) CPU time : 0.00 * sub1 implied by the path (compose object1- superclass- ! subclass superclass- ! subclass) sub1- implied by the path (compose subclass- ! superclass subclass- ! superclass object1) CPU time : 0.00 * super1 implied by the path (compose superclass subclass- ! superclass object1- ! object2) super1- implied by the path (compose object2- ! object1 superclass- ! subclass superclass-) CPU time : 0.00 * superclass implied by the path (or superclass super1) superclass- implied by the path (or superclass- super1-) CPU time : 0.00 * End of file /projects/rapaport/CVA/mkb3.CVA/paths/paths CPU time : 0.00 * ; Define some other relations (define skolem-function arg1) (skolem-function arg1) CPU time : 0.00 * ; BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE: ; ===================== ; A courtyard is outside of a room. (describe (assert forall ($cyard $room) &ant (build member *cyard class (build lex "courtyard")) &ant (build member *room class (build lex "room")) cq (build object1 *cyard rel (build lex "outside") object2 *room))) (m4! (forall v2 v1) (&ant (p2 (class (m2 (lex room))) (member v2)) (p1 (class (m1 (lex courtyard))) (member v1))) (cq (p3 (object1 v1) (object2 v2) (rel (m3 (lex outside)))))) (m4!) CPU time : 0.01 * ; A room has windows (describe (assert forall *room ant (build member *room class (build lex "room")) cq (build member (build skolem-function window\ of arg1 *room) class (build lex "window")) cq (build object #win rel (build skolem-function window\ of arg1 *room) possessor *room))) (m6! (forall v2) (ant (p2 (class (m2 (lex room))) (member v2))) (cq (p6 (object b1) (possessor v2) (rel (p4 (arg1 v2) (skolem-function window of)))) (p5 (class (m5 (lex window))) (member (p4))))) (m6!) CPU time : 0.00 * ; A windows provides a view (describe (assert forall $window ant (build member *window class (build lex "window")) cq (build object1 *window rel (build lex "provides") object2 (build skolem-function view\ of arg1 *window)) cq (build member (build skolem-function view\ of arg1 *window) class (build lex "view")))) (m9! (forall v3) (ant (p7 (class (m5 (lex window))) (member v3))) (cq (p10 (class (m8 (lex view))) (member (p8 (arg1 v3) (skolem-function view of)))) (p9 (object1 v3) (object2 (p8)) (rel (m7 (lex provides)))))) (m9!) CPU time : 0.01 * ;if an object fronts something that is outside a room and object is possessed by the room then it provides a view (describe (assert forall ($x $y $k $room) &ant (build object1 *x rel (build lex "front") object2 *y) &ant (build object1 *y rel (build lex "outside") object2 *room) &ant (build member *room class (build lex "room")) &ant (build possessor *room object *x rel *k) cq (build object1 *x rel (build lex "provides") object2 (build skolem-function view\ of arg1 *x)) cq (build member (build skolem-function view\ of arg1 *x) class (build lex "view")))) (m11! (forall v7 v6 v5 v4) (&ant (p14 (object v4) (possessor v7) (rel v6)) (p13 (class (m2 (lex room))) (member v7)) (p12 (object1 v5) (object2 v7) (rel (m3 (lex outside)))) (p11 (object1 v4) (object2 v5) (rel (m10 (lex front))))) (cq (p17 (class (m8 (lex view))) (member (p15 (arg1 v4) (skolem-function view of)))) (p16 (object1 v4) (object2 (p15)) (rel (m7 (lex provides)))))) (m11!) CPU time : 0.01 * ; if x is y's z then x is a member of class z (describe (assert forall ($x $y $z) ant (build object *x possessor *y rel *z) cq (build member *x class *z))) (m12! (forall v10 v9 v8) (ant (p18 (object v8) (possessor v9) (rel v10))) (cq (p19 (class v10) (member v8)))) (m12!) CPU time : 0.00 * ;if x and y both provide views, and x & y are members of classes a & b repectively, and class a is unknown, then class a is a subclass of class b (describe (assert forall ($a $b $w $x $y $z) &ant (build object1 *x rel (build lex "provides") object2 *w) &ant (build object1 *y rel (build lex "provides") object2 *z) &ant (build member *x class *a) &ant (build member *y class *b) &ant (build member *w class (build lex "view")) &ant (build member *z class (build lex "view")) &ant (build object *a property (build lex "unknown")) cq (build subclass *a superclass *b))) (m14! (forall v16 v15 v14 v13 v12 v11) (&ant (p26 (object v11) (property (m13 (lex unknown)))) (p25 (class (m8 (lex view))) (member v16)) (p24 (class (m8)) (member v13)) (p23 (class v12) (member v15)) (p22 (class v11) (member v14)) (p21 (object1 v15) (object2 v16) (rel (m7 (lex provides)))) (p20 (object1 v14) (object2 v13) (rel (m7)))) (cq (p27 (subclass v11) (superclass v12)))) (m14!) CPU time : 0.01 * ; CASSIE READS THE PASSAGE: ; ========================= ; The Sentence: ; When you are used to a broad view, it becomes quite depressing ; when you come to live in a room with one or two kolpers ; fronting a courtyard. (describe (add forall ($view $agent $room $kolper $courtyard) &ant (build member *view class (build lex "view")) &ant (build object *view property (build lex "broad")) &ant (build object1 *agent rel (build lex "used to ") object2 *view) &ant (build agent *agent act (build action (build lex "live") object *room)) &ant (build member *room class (build lex room)) &ant (build possessor *room object *kolper rel (build lex "kolper")) &ant (build object1 *kolper rel (build lex "front") object2 *courtyard) &ant (build member *courtyard class (build lex "courtyard")) cq (build object *agent property (build lex "depressed")))) (m20! (forall v21 v20 v19 v18 v17) (&ant (p36 (class (m1 (lex courtyard))) (member v21)) (p35 (object1 v20) (object2 v21) (rel (m10 (lex front)))) (p34 (object v20) (possessor v19) (rel (m18 (lex kolper)))) (p33 (class (m2 (lex room))) (member v19)) (p32 (act (p31 (action (m17 (lex live))) (object v19))) (agent v18)) (p30 (object1 v18) (object2 v17) (rel (m16 (lex used to )))) (p29 (object v17) (property (m15 (lex broad)))) (p28 (class (m8 (lex view))) (member v17))) (cq (p37 (object v18) (property (m19 (lex depressed)))))) (m20!) CPU time : 0.21 * ; Add instances for the items in the above rule (add member #view class (build lex "view")) (m21!) CPU time : 0.01 * (add object *view property (build lex "broad")) (m22!) CPU time : 0.01 * (add agent #fred act (build action (build lex "live") object #room)) (m24!) CPU time : 0.02 * (add object1 *fred rel (build lex "used-to") object2 *view) (m26!) CPU time : 0.01 * (add member *room class (build lex "room")) (m32! m30! m29! m27!) CPU time : 0.03 * (add possessor *room object #kolper rel (build lex "kolper")) (m33!) CPU time : 0.10 * (add object1 *kolper rel (build lex "front") object2 #courtyard) (m34!) CPU time : 0.02 * (add member *courtyard class (build lex "courtyard")) (m38! m36! m35!) CPU time : 0.02 * (add object (build lex "kolper") property (build lex "unknown")) (m44! m43! m42! m41! m40! m39! m38! m35! m33! m32! m30! m29! m27! m21!) CPU time : 0.34 * ; Ask Cassie what "kolper" means: ^( --> defineNoun "kolper") Definition of kolper: Class Inclusions: window, Possible Properties: front courtyard, provides view, provides view, Possessive: room, nil CPU time : 0.09 * End of /home/csgrad/krishna2/cva/final/kolper.demo.1 demonstration. CPU time : 1.27 *