************ INTERIM REPORT ON 51. Qh7 Ka1 *******************
Status: Highly playable, has some margin for error too.  
The margin-for-error is in the dangerous 54. Qf2+ line, which I originally
had grave misgivings about.
Possible to recommend to IK as best 51. Ka7 response.
Needs some more checking for early White ideas (e.g. 53. Kf7!?, 53. Qf6!?)
and some double-checking of SCO FAQ evaluations of the non-critical lines.
Just noticed Spy49's 52. Qg7+ Ka2 53. Qf7+ d5 54. Kg7 idea---check that too.
My report does contain a few dangerous ideas for White, enough to
suggest one to be on the lookout for still more.
I expect time to finish my report on Monday evening.  --Ken Regan

Move Tree Key:
    () Lines alternate numbers for White's options, letters for Black---this
way when we update after moves played the code stays consistent.
    () Emphasis is on early-move options; long lines are footnoted
and appear at the bottom.
    () Departures from the SmartChess FAQ are labeled "@", or "!" if
       especially noteworthy in "danger" lines.
    () Source posts are referenced as [Name, ab/#####] and appear in full
and clickable at the bottom as References sorted by Name.  You can also
just cut-and-paste the "ab/#####" part and stick it between "/posts/" and
".asp" in the BBS URL in your browser window.  Links not at this BBS are
footnoted as [Name, Key]---use your browser-find on Key to find the
link below.
    () IMHO marks my own new opinions; KWR marks ones I've given before;
others' opinions are quoted.
    () Standard chess devides: "+" means check, "+-" means White wins,
[] means move is (or looks) forced, ! means move looks especially good,
!? means "worthy of attention" or "speculative", and "?!" means "dubious".
    () White is "he" for Kasparov; Black is "we" for the World.

From current position, expected play is 49.Kxg6 d2 50.h8=Q d1=Q.
1. 51. Qh5:  [***NOT CHANGED SINCE 9/19; must read FAQ and others' reports***]
[lines not in my report deleted---see "Move Tree" for full version]

2. 51. Qh7:
   a) 51...Qf3 {IM2429---I don't fully understand this move.}
   b) 51...d5  {Originally advocated by KWR & GM School & others}
   c) 51...Ka1
      1) 52. Qg7+
         a) 52...Ka2
            1) 53. Qf7+:
               a) 53...d5
                  1) 54. Kh7 {IMHO 9/25: Looks dangerous, gave it more depth.
                     Indeed, 54...b5 looks like Black's only move---Black
                     cannot keep White's pawn from reaching g7, and Queen moves
                     seem to lead to typical "Passive" losses.}
                     a) 54...b5 55. g6 Qd3
                        ***CRITICAL EARLY POSITION [Q][2c1a1a1a],
                        Current Assessment (KWR: holding but precarious)
                     b)*54...Ka1 {KWR: looks too slow; Qf6 will pin again}

                  2) 54. Qf2+ {Note: Transpose from 51...d5 52.Kf6+ Ka2
                               53.Qh2+ Kb1 54.Qf2, line }
                     a) 54...Kb1
                        1) 55. Kf6  
                           a) 55...d4 56. g6 d3
                              ***CRITICAL EARLY POSITION [R, 2c1a1a2a1]
                              Current Assessment (KWR, BBS): Black can avoid
                              nearby dangers and draw.  See below for analysis.

                        2) 55. Kf7 d4 56. g6 d3 57. g7 Qb3+ 58. Kf8 Qb4+ 59. Kf7 d2
                              1) 60. Qg1+ Kb2 61. g8=Q Qb3+ 62. Kf8 d1=Q {4Q!}
                                 63. Q8g7+ Ka2
                                       1) 64. Qa7+ Qa3+ 65. Qxa3+ Kxa3 66. Qxb7 =Draw
                                       2) 64. Qf2+ Qdc2 65. Qxc2+ Qxc2 66. Qxb7 =Draw
                              2) 60. g8=Q Qc4+ 61. Kg7 Qxg8+ 62. Kxg8 d1=Q
                                 63. Qb6+ =Draw
                        3) 55. Kh7 $4 Qh5+ 56. Kg7 Qxg5+ $19
                        4) 55. Kh6 d4 56. g6 d3 57. Qb6+ Kc1 58. Qxb7 d2 59. Qc7+ Qc2
                           60. Qxc2+ Kxc2 61. g7 d1=Q 62. g8=Q =Draw
                        5) 55. Qf5+ Qc2 56. Kf6 d4 57. Qb5+ Kc1 58. g6 Qf2+
                           59. Ke7 Qe3+ 60. Kf8 d3 61. g7 Qf4+ 62. Ke7 Qc7+
                           63. Kf6 Qf4+ =
                  3) 54. Qxb7 d4 =
                  4) 54. Kh6 b5 55. g6 Qd2+
                        1) 56. Kh5 56... Qh2+ 57. Kg5 Qg3+ 58. Kf6 Qh4+ 59. Kg7 Qd4+
                           60. Qf6 Qa7+ 61. Kf8 Qb8+ =
                        2) 56. Kh7 Qd3 {transposes to 54.Kh7} 
            2) 53. Qxb7 d5 54. Kf6 Qd4+ 55. Kf7 Qf4+ 56. Kg6 Qe4+ 57. Kf6 Qf4+ =
            3) 53. Kf7
               a) b5 {cbo} 
                  1) 54. Qf8 Qh5+ 55. Kf6 Qf3+ 56. Kg7 Qc3+ 57. Qf6 b4 
                     58. g6 d5 59. Kf7 Qxf6+ 60. Kxf6 b3 61. g7 b2
                     62. g8=Q b1=Q 63. Qxd5+ =Draw  4Q!
                  2) 54. Qc3 Qd5+ 55. Kf6 b4 56. Qxb4 Qe5+ 57. Kg6 d5 = 
            4) 53. Kh7 b5 54. Qf7+ d5 {Transposes to 53.Qf7+ d5 54.Kh7 b5}

         b) 52...Kb1 {"?!"-[IM2429, na?]}
            1) 53. Kf7 {!?-[IM2429]} 
               a) 53...Qd5+ 54.Ke7 b5 55.g6 Qb7+ 56.Kf6 Qd5 57.Qd7 Qe5+ 
                  58.Kf7 b4 59.g7 Qh5+ 
                        1) 60. Kf8 Qf3+ 61. Qf7 Qa8+ 62. Qe8 Qf3+ 63. Qf7 Qa8+
                           64. Ke7 Qa7+ =
                        2) @60.Ke7!? {IM2429} Qg5/h4+ 61.Kf8 Qf6+ 62.Ke8 Qe5+ 
                           {and not sure whether its drawn or a white win--IM2429}
            2) 53. Qxb7+ Ka1 54. Qg7+ Kb1 = {in view of  ...d6-d5-d4}
            3) 53. Qf6
               a) Qc1 {cbo}
                  1) 54. Qxd6 b5 55. Qb4+ Ka1 56. Qa5+ Kb1 57. Qxb5+ Ka1 EGTB=
                  2) 54. Kg7 Qc7+ 55. Qf7 Qc3+ 56. Qf6 Qc7+ 57. Kh6 Qc1
                        1) 58. Qxd6 b5 59. Qb4+ Ka1 60. Qa5+ Kb1 61. Qxb5+ Ka1 EGTB=
                        2) 58. Qg6+ Ka1 59. Qg7+ Ka2 60. Qxb7 Qd2 61. Qf3 d5
                           62. Kg6 d4 63. Kf5 d3 64. g6 Qa5+ 65. Kf4 d2 =
                  3) 54. Qf5+ Ka2 55. Kg7 Qc3+ 56. Qf6 Qc7+ 57. Kg6 Qc2+ =
            4) 53. Kh6 Qh1+ 54. Kg6 Qe4+ 55. Kf6 Qe5+ 56. Kf7 (56. Kg6 Qe4+ =)
               56... Qd5+ {transposes to 53.Kf7, line }
            5) 53. Kh7 b5 54. g6 b4 55. Qh6 Qd3 =
            6) 53. Kf6 Qd4+ 54. Kf7 Qd5+ {transposes to 53.Kf7, line }
      2) 52. Kf7 Qd5+ 53. Kg6 Qe6+
            1) 54. Kh5 Qh3+ 55. Kg6 Qe6+ =
            2) 54. Kg7 Qe7+ 55. Kh6 Qe6+ 56. Kh5 {- 54.Kh5})
      3) 52. Kf6
         a) Qd4+
            1) 53. Kg6 Qd3+ 54. Kg7 Qd4+ 55. Kg6 Qd3+ 56. Kh6 Qh3+
                  1) 57. Kg6 Qe6+ =
                  2) 57. Kg7 Qd7+ 58. Kh6 Qh3+ 59. Kg7 Qd7+ 60. Kg6 Qe6+ =
            2) 53. Kf7 Qd5+ 54. Ke7 (54. Kg6 54... Qe6+ $11) 54... Qxg5+
               55. Kxd6 EGTB=
            3) 53. Ke7 Qe5+ 54. Kd7 Qxg5 55. Kxd6 EGTB=

      4) 52. Kh6
         a) 52...Qd2
            1) 53. Qxb7 d5 54. Kg6 d4 55. Kf5 Qf2+ =
            2) 53. Qg7+ Ka2 54. Qxb7 d5 55. Kh5 Qe2+
                  1) 56. Kg6 Qe4+ =
                  2) 56. Kh6 Qd2 =
                  3) 56. Kh4 Qe4+ =
         b) 52... d5 53. g6 Qd2+ 54. Kg7 b5 =
      5) 52. Qxb7
         a) 52...d5  {clear best option?}
            1) 53. Kf7 d4 54. g6 d3 55. g7 Qf1+ 56. Ke8
                  a) 56...Qe2+ 57. Kf8 d2
                        1) 58. g8=Q Qf2+ 59. Ke8 Qe3+ 60. Kf8 Qf4+ 61. Ke8 Qe5+
                           62. Kf8 Qf6+ 63. Qbf7 Qxf7+ 64. Qxf7 d1=Q =Draw
                        2) 58. Qa7+ Kb1
                              1) 59. g8=Q Qf3+ 60. Ke8 Qe4+ 61. Kf8 Qf5+
                                 62. Qaf7 Qxf7+ 63. Qxf7 d1=Q =Draw
                              2) 59. Qb6+ Kc1 60. Qc5+ Kb1 61. Qb4+ Kc1
                                 62. Qc3+ Kb1 63. g8=Q Qf2+ 64. Ke8 Qe2+
                                 65. Kf8 Qf2+ 66. Qf7 Qxf7+ 67. Kxf7 d1=Q =Draw 
                  b) 56...d2
                     1) 57. Qa7+ Kb1 58. Qb6+ Kc1 59. Qc5+ Kb1 60. Qb4+ Kc1
                        61. Qc3+ Kb1 62. Qxd2 Qb5+ EGTB=
                     2) 57. g8=Q Qe2+ 58. Kf8 Qf2+ 59. Qgf7 Qxf7+ 60. Qxf7
                        60...d1=Q =Draw 
            2) 53. Kh6 {GM School's only "51. Ka1?!" line---sici94.html}
               {Note transposition from 51. Qh7 d5 52. Qxb7+ Ka1 53. Kh6}
               a) 53...d4  
                  1) 54. g6
                     a) 54...d3 55. g7 Qc1+ {55...Qd2? 56. Kg6 +- GM School}
                        56. Kh7 d2
                           1) 57. g8=Q Qc2+ 58. Kh8 d1=Q {58...Qc3+?? 59.Qgg7 +- GMS}
                              59. Qgg7+ Ka2 {GMS} 60. Qa7+ Qa4 61.Qgf7+ Kb1
                              62.Qb6+ Kc1 =
                           2) 57. Qa6+ Kb1 58. Qb5+ Qb2 =
                     b) 54...Qd2+ {! - GM School}
                        1) 55. Kh5 Qh2+ 56. Kg4 Qe2+ {"=" GM School} 57. Kf4 Qe3+
                           58. Kf5 Qh3+
                                 1) 59. Kf6 Qh4+ 60. Kf7 Qf4+ 61. Ke6 Qg4+
                                    62. Kf6 Qf4+ 63. Kg7 Qe5+ 64. Kh6 Qf4+
                                    65. Kh7 Qh2+
                                          1) 66. Kg7 Qe5+ =
                                          2) 66. Kg8 d3 67. Qa6+ Qa2+ 68. Qxa2+ Kxa2
                                             69. Kf8 d2 70. g7 d1=Q 71. g8=Q+ =Draw
                                 2) 59. Ke4 Qg2+ $19

               b) 53... Qd2 =
               c) 53... Qc1 54. Qxd5 EGTB=
      6) 52. Qh8+ Kb1 53. Qh7 Ka1 54. Qh8+ Kb1=

   d) 51... b5
[Extra Note, 9/26. IMHO, "on feel", if Black has to play an early ...Kb2
in this line, he is in for rougher going than the 
51. Qh7 Ka1 52. Qg7+ Ka2 53. Qf7+ d5 54. Kh7 b5 55. g6 Qd3 line.]

[Q] Analysis of [2c1a1a1a], FEN 8/5Q1K/6P1/1p1p4/8/3q4/k7/8+w
Arises from 51. Qh7 Ka1 52. Qg7+ Ka2 53. Qf7+ d5 54. Kh7 b5 55. g6 Qd3.
Current Assessment (KWR: holding but precarious)
1) 56. Kg8 b4 57. g7 b3 58. Qa7+
      a) 58...Kb2
         1) 59. Kf8 Qf5+ 60. Qf7 Qc8+ =
         2)! 59. Qf2+ 
            a) 59...Ka1?! 60. Kf7! {no checks!}
                  a) 60...b2 61. g8=Q b1=Q 62. Qa8+ +-
                  b) 60...Qh7 {just doesn't look healthy--KWR}
            b) 59...Kc1?! 60. Kf7 b2 61. g8=Q b1=Q 62. Qg1+ +-
            c) 59...Ka3?! 60. Kf7 b2 61. g8=Q b1=Q 62. Qa8+ Kb3
               63. Qb8+! Kc3 64. Qc5+ Kd2 65. Qf4+ Kd1 66. Qg4+ Kd2
               67. Qg5+! Kd1 68. Qh5+ Kd2 69. Qh2+ Qe2 70. Qf4+ Kd1
               71. Qg1+ Kc2 72. Qf5+ +- {Pretty, no? --KWR}  
            d) 59...Qc2! {looks natural!}
               1) 60. Qf6+
                  a) 60...Qc3? 61. Kf7! +-
                  b) 60...Ka2 61. Kf7 Qc7+ {This looks like a perpetual,
                     but it needs some double-checking}
                  c) 60...Ka1 61. Kf7 Qc7+ {ditto}
               2) 60. Qd4+
                  a) 60...Ka2?! 61. Kf7 {Looks more dangerous now...}
                  b) 60...Ka1?! 61. Kf7 {ditto}
                  c) 60...Qc3! {Looks good enough to stop White's tries.}
               3) 60. Qf4!? {Not entirely without poison}
                  a) 60...Ka2?! 61. Kf7 b2 {61...Qh7!??} 62. g8=Q b1=Q
                     63. Qa8+ Kb2 64. Qd4+! {and I claim another pretty
                     win for the two White Queens}
                  b) 60...Ka1!? 61. Kf7 b2 62. g8=Q b1=Q 63. Qa8+ Qca2
                     {and the corner defense seems to hold}
                  c) 60...Qc8+ {also looks fine, IMHO}  
      b) 58...Kb1 {looks better than 58...Kb2, less chances for White, IMHO}
                  {was not in earlier FAQs}
         1) 59. Kf8 Qf5+ 60. Qf7 Qc8+ 61. Ke7 Qc5+ 62. Ke6 Qe3+
            63. Kxd5 Qd3+ 64. Kc5 Qe3+ 65. Kc4 Qe2+
               1) 66. Kxb3 Qa2+
               2) 66. Kb4 Qd2+ 67. Ka4 Qa2+ 68. Kb5 Qe2+ 69. Kb6 Qe3+
                  70. Kb7 Qe4+ 71. Kc8 Qc6+ 72. Kd8 Qd6+ 73. Ke8 Qc6+
                  74. Ke7 Qc7+ 75. Kf6 Qf4+ 76. Kg6 Qg4+ 77. Kh6 Qh4+
                  78. Qh5 Qf4+ 79. Qg5 Qh2+ 80. Kg6 Qd6+ 81. Qf6 Qg3+
                  82. Kh7 Qh3+ 83. Kg8 Qc8+ 84. Qf8 Qe6+ 85. Qf7 Qc8+ =
                  {KWR, 9/25: Haven't checked this yet, but it tells me
                  that /all/ the checking lines in this ending need
                  a little more work.}
         2)! 59. Qg1+!? Ka2! 60. Kf7 Qf5+ {needs work similar to 1) -KWR}
2) 56. Kh6 Qd2+ = {FAQ; I haven't done anything more from here on yet.}
3) @56. Qf2+ {IM2429} Kb3 57.Kh6 Qh3+ 58.Kg5 Qc3 59.Qf5 b4 
   {looks drawn---IM2429}.

[R] Analysis of [2c1a1a2a1], FEN 
Arises from 51. Qh7 Ka1 52. Qg7+ Ka2 53. Qf7+ d5 54. Qf2+ Kb1 55. Kf6 d4 56. g6 d3.
Current Assessment (KWR, BBS, SCO-09252.pgn, more KWR today): Black can avoid nearby dangers and draw.  But can use more checking for other White tries. The danger level is certainly nontrivial, since Black must run King to d1.

1) 57. g7 Qg4 {KWR; Forced.}
      1) 58. Qb6+ Kc1
             1) 59. Qc5+
                a) 59...Kd1? {KWR; "instructive loss, per Amann's request:-)"}
                   1) 60. Qg5!
{KWR (9/25): I think White is winning now---not completely sure, but anyway this seems a useful example of the danger Black faces. White's master plan is to worm his way down to capture Black's d-pawn to expose Black's King on d1, and then run to the back rank before Black's King can get back to the corner---note that http://chess.traveller.com/scripts/chess_kt_endings cut-and-paste 8/6P1/8/6Q1/8/3K4/5q2/3k4+b or 8/6P1/1q6/6Q1/8/3K4/8/3k4+b are tablebase losses even without Black's b-pawn.} {LATEST (9/26): looks like Black can be saved; see lines with NEW. IMHO, this actually makes Black breathe a little easier in this crucial line overall.}
                      a) 60...Qf3+ 61. Ke5 Qe2+ 62. Kd4 {helps White +-}
                      b) 60...Qd4+
                         1) 61. Kf5 Qd5+ {or 61...Qc5+} 62. Kf4
                            a) 62...Qd5+ 63. Kf3 +-
                            b) 62...Qb4+ 63. Kf3 +-
                            c) 62...Qc4+ 63. Kf3 {transposes to e)}
                            d) 62...Qd6+ 63. Ke3 {transposes to e)}
                            e) 62...Qc7+ 63. Kf3 Qc6+
                               {Still stopping Ke3, but White's point now is 
                               that he will get to g3 when Black cannot check
                               on e1 or g1.}
                               64. Kg3 Qc7+ {or 64...Qd6+} 65. Kg2 Qc6+
                               66. Kg1 Qb6+ 67. Kf1 +-
                            f) 62...Qg8! {NEW--[JQB, wp/74096].  I thought
                               this "unhealthy", but it seems to hold--KWR}
                               1) 63. Ke3 d2
                                     1) 64. Kd3 Qb3+ = {jqb}
                                     2)@64. Qg1+ Kc2 65. Qc5+ Kd1 = 
                                        {White cannot improve his position,
                                        partly because Black controls c4
                                        and a2. KWR}
                               2) 63. Qg1+ Kc2 64. Qc5+ Kb3 {jqb; IMHO this
                                  is an important idea.  Since White cannot
                                  get his Q back to the g-file with tempo,
                                  there seem to be just two tries left.  And
                                  BTW, 64...Kb2/b1 might be even better.-KWR}
                                     1) 65. Qf8 Qc4+ 66. Ke3 {Kg3 no better}
                                        66...d2! 67. Kxd2 Qany+ EGTB=.
                                        {These hold even with White Q on 
                                        f7 or g5, so it's safe enough.}
                                     2) 65. Qb6+ Kc2 66. Qc7+
                                        a) 66...Kb1/2/3?! 67. Ke3
                                           a) 67...d2? 68. Kxd2 EGTB+-
                                           b) 67...Qb3!? 68. Qd7 Qb6+!
                                              69. Kd2 Qb4+ 70. Kxd3 Qb3+ EGTB=
                                        b) 66...Kd1 {!---I see no progress
                                           for White. KWR}
                         1) 61. Kg6 {trying keep Black out of g8} Qe4+!
                            1) 62. Kh5 Qh7+ {hiding on g8 again}
                            2) 62. Kh6 Qe6+ 63. Kh7 {else ...Qg8!?} Qe4+
                               63. Qg6 Qh4+ 64. Kg8 d2 =. 

{So the "instructive loss" may be a draw, but still /instructive/, IMHO}

                b) 59...Kb1! {KWR: looks OK, w help from Amann,BBS,SCO}
                   1) 60. Qd5 {KWR: frightened me for a moment---look
                              out for moves like this.}
                      a) 60...Qf4+ {CLAIM: perpetual, because...}
                         1) 61. Ke6 Qg4+ 62. Kf7 Qf4+ 63. Ke8 Qa4+
                            64. Kd8 Qh4+ {...because we use the whole
                            board! Amann} =Draw
                         2) 61. Kg6 Qg4+ 62. Kf7 = {transposes to 61. Ke6}
                      b) 60... d2 61. Qxd2 Qf3+ {CLAIM: perp--easy to see}
             2) 59. Qc7+
                a) 59...Kd1?! {IMHO, may be OK still, but notice that it
                   helped to ditch Black's b-pawn in c).  --KWR} 
                b) 59...Kb1 {Transposes to 59...Kb2}
                c) 59...Kb2 {seems best to try to eliminate our b7 pawn}
                   1) 60. Qxb7+ Kc2  {or 60...Kc1}
                         1) @61. Qc6+ Kb1! {61...Kd1? 62. Qd5! may work} 
                         2) 61. Qc7+ Kd1  ***CRITICAL POSITION [R.1]
             3) 59. Kf7 d2! = {KWR; jqb; BBS...}
   Analysis of CRITICAL POSITION [R.1]: FEN 8/2Q3P1/5K2/8/6q1/3p4/8/3k4+w 
   {KWR: Black must run in front of the pawn, as 61...Kb2 loses to 62. Qb8+,
   and in view of the 59. Qc1+ Kd1? loss, you can understand my original
   trepidation about that.  However, Spy49 and others on the BBS took this
   further and claimed that all White has is "sound and fury".
   Now today 9/25 I see SCO see more danger in 62. Qf7 than I did, and the
   "drawing perimeter" isn't as obvious as I originally thought.
   White's winning plan is the same as in the "instructive loss" above.
   Current assessment (9/26 9pm EDT) /Drawn/.
   1) 62. Qf7 Qf4+ 63. Kg6
      a) 63...Qe4+ {SCO?} 64. Qf5 Qg2+ {...Qc4!? [JQB,lq/74111]}
         1) 65. Kh7 Qh2+
                1) 66. Kg6 Qg2+ {"=" SCO---not sure, KWR}
                2) 66. Kg8 d2 67. Kf7
                   a) 67...Ke1 68. g8=Q d1=Q
                         1) 69. Qe4+  {4Q!}
                            a) 69...Qde2!
                               1) 70. Qb4+ Kf1 71. Qb1+ Qe1
                                  72. Qd3+ Qee2 =Draw
                               2) 70. Qxe2+ Qxe2 =Draw 
                            b) 69...Qhe2? 70. Qg3+ Kd2 71. Qb4+ Kc1
                               72. Qga3+ Kc2 73. Qac3 Mate!
                         2) 69. Qe8+!?
                            {"leads to mate" [JQB,lq/74111]; KWR: how?]} 
                   b) 67...Qc7+ 68. Kf6 Qd6+ 69. Qe6 Qxe6+
                      70. Kxe6 Kc1 71. g8=Q d1=Q =Draw
        2)! 65. Kg5 {IMHO, may transpose into my b) lines anyway.--KWR}
        3) 65. Kh6 d2 66. Qb1+ Ke2 67. Qb5+ Ke1 68. Qe8+
              a) 68...Qe2? 69. g8=Q d1=Q 70. Qg3+ +-
              b) 68...Kf1!
                 1) 69. Qd8
                    a) 69...Qh3+ 70. Kg5 Qg3+ 71. Kh6 Qh3+ 72. Kg6 Qg4+
                       73. Kf7 d1=Q 74. Qxd1+ Qxd1 75. g8=Q Qd5+ =Draw
                    b) 69...Qe2 {"easier"- [JQB,lq/74111]} =
                 2) 69. Qb5+ Ke1 70. Qe5+ Kf1 71. Qf5+ Ke1 = 
                 3) 69. g8=Q Qxg8 70. Qxg8 d1=Q =Draw
     b)! 63...Qg3+!
        1) 64. Kh6 Qe3+ {the point: White cannot interpose} 65. Kh7 Qh3+
           66. Kg8 d2 = {Must be =; White doesn't even have a check!}
        2) 64. Kf5
              a) 64...Qf3+?! 65. Ke6 {Now while Black can still draw
                 because when White approaches Black's d-pawn with Kd4,
                 Black can arrange to check on b4 or b2, since NN. Kxd3 Qd2+!
                 is an EGTB draw /8/5QP1/8/8/6q1/3K4/8/3k4+b; and if White
                 touches it from e4, then ...Qe1+! holds.  But better is:}
              b) 64...Qf2+! 65. Ke6 Qa2+! 66. Ke7 Qa7+ {nice to get rid
                 of the b-pawn!} 67. Kf8 Qa8+ 68. Qe8 Qf3+ {CLAIM: Black
                 has a perpetual or forces White to play the fruitless Kg8.}
   2) 62. Kf7!? Qf5+ {CLAIM: Black delivers perpetual check or equalizes}
         1) 63. Ke8 Qg6+!
               1) 64. Kf8 Qf8+ 65. Qf7 {65. Kg8 d2 =} ...Qd8+
                  66. Qe8 Qf6+ 67. Kg8 d2=
               2) 64. Qf7 Qc6+
                     1) 65. Kf8 Qc8+ 66. Qe8 Qf5+ 67. Ke7 Qe5+ =
                     2) 65. Ke7 Qc5+ 66. Ke6 Qc4+ 67. Kf6 Qf4+ 
                        {transposes to 62. Qf7 ---!}
                     3) 65. Kd8 Qa8+ 66. Ke7 Qa7+ = {transposes to 62. Qf7}
               3) 64. Kd8 d2! =
          2) 63. Ke7 Qg5+ 64. Ke6 d2! =

-----end of R.1 analysis, back to position R.
      2) 58. Qe1+ Kc2
             1) 59. Qe6 Qxe6+ 60. Kxe6 d2 61. g8=Q d1=Q 62. Qc8+ =Draw
             2) 59. Qe8 d2 60. g8=Q Qxg8 61. Qxg8 d1=Q 62. Qc8+ =Draw

2) 57. Qf5 {KWR}
   a) 57...Qc2 {!--steni, others} 58. g7 d2
      1) 59. Qxc2+ Kxc2 60. g8=Q d1=Q 61. Qg2+ =Draw
      2) 59. Qb5+ Qb2+ 60. Qxb2+ Kxb2 61. g8=Q d1=Q 62. Qg2+ =Draw
   b) 57... Qb3 {KWR; also seems good enough}
      58. g7 Qb6+ {CLAIM: perpetual} 59. Kg5 Qg1+ 60. Kh6 Qh2+ 61. Kg6 Qg3+
      62. Kh7 Qh4+ 63. Kg8 Qd8+ 64. Qf8 Qd5+ =
3) 57. Qb6+ Kc1 58. Qc5+ Qc2 = {KWR; looks clear}
4) 57. Qg2 d2 58. g7 Qc2 59. Qxb7+ 60. g8=Q d1=Q =Draw

{Can there possibly be any other dangerous tries for White here? KWR, 9/26} 

REFERENCES: By no means complete.  Cut-and-paste the codes in the
references in the main texts into the BBS URL to access the cited posts.

[Amann9/22, qq/72088] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/qq/72088.asp
[Amann9/23, bk/72593] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/bk/72593.asp
[AvO9/22, uq/72092] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/uq/72092.asp
[Fritz9/22, rx/72271] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/rx/72271.asp
[HC9/22, xd/72433] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/xd/72433.asp
[IK9/22, up/72066] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/up/72066.asp
[IM2429/21, lc/71719] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/lc/71719.asp

[JL9/23, wp/72744] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/wp/72744.asp
[KWR9/17, xi/69183] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/xi/69183.asp
[KWR9/19, jg/70469] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/jg/70469.asp
[KWR9/24, jo/73381] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/jo/73381.asp
[KWR9/24, jp/73407] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/jp/73407.asp
[KWR9/24, wq/73446] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/wq/73446.asp
[SCO9/22, yj/72590] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/yj/72590.asp
[Spy9/18, ww/69546] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/ww/69546.asp
[Spy9/22, pq/72087] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/pq/72087.asp
[Spy9/22, jr/72107] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/jr/72107.asp
[Ulf9/22, so/72038] http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/kasparov-team/posts/so/72038.asp