/** File "Cardbox.scala" by KWR for CSE250, Spring 2022. Requires ISR.scala plus implementation class compiled in same folder. Simple "flat-file database" which goes part-way to implementing a Buffer. Top level of "implementation sandwich" with the ISR trait at bottom. Can change the implementation just by changing the next line of code. CHANGED 3/17/22 to pass in a key-match function rather than use a trait. */ //class Cardbox[A](keyComp: (A,A) => Int) extends SortedSLL[A](keyComp) //class Cardbox[A](keyComp: (A,A) => Int) extends SortedDLL[A](keyComp) //class Cardbox[A](keyComp: (A,A) => Int) extends SortedArrayISR[A](keyComp) //class Cardbox[A](keyComp: (A,A) => Int) extends AIOLISLL[A](keyComp) //class Cardbox[A](keyComp: (A,A) => Int) extends AIOLI[A](keyComp) //class Cardbox[A](keyComp: (A,A) => Int) extends BALBOA[A](keyComp) //class Cardbox[A](keyComp: (A,A) => Int) extends BALBOADLL[A](keyComp) class Cardbox[A](keyComp: (A,A) => Int) extends BSTISR(keyComp)