CSE-745: Internet of Things (IOT) – Hardware, systems, security and applications perspective


Spring 2019 (1-3 credits). Davis 338A. Time: Wed 10:30am - 12:30pm


Office hours: Mon 11:00am-12noon, Tues 1:30pm - 2:30pm (or by appointment)


Instructor: Prof R. Sridhar 338A Davis Hall  rsridhar@buffalo.edu




This graduate-level seminar will cover Hardware, Systems, Security and Applications aspects of Intenet of Things (IoT) and is intended for graduate students who are in their second or later year of graduate studies.  IoTs are making a connected world possible in wide-ranging forms and applications.  Concepts addressed will include Architecture, Networks and Security requirements, opportunities in the building & deployment of IoTs and wide-ranging applications. Some of the key challenges in each of these aspects will be presented and possible solutions will be considered.

This seminar is for students with background in any of these (introductory graduate level) areas: Computer architecture, Computer networks or Security.




Students are expected to have concepts of Networks, Architecture or Security area.  A comprehensive project and a research paper will be due along with a detailed presentation.  The topic addressed in the field of IoTs can align with the student’s background.  If you are not sure if you have the right background, you may email Prof Sridhar at rsridhar@buffalo.edu.




20% class attendance and participation

40% in-class presentation

40% project


Lecture Slides