Academic Integrity

Last Update: Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Note: NEW or UPDATED material is highlighted

For further advice on success in your graduate program (and beyond), visit:
CSE 501: Graduate Studies in Computer Science, Directory of Documents

  1. Regan, Kenneth (2004), "Academic Integrity at UB CSE"

  2. Rapaport, William J. (2007), "Plagiarism"

  3. Settembre, Scott (2010, "Code Plagiarism Detection @ CSE"

  4. Ramamurthy, Bina; & Settembre, Scott (2008), "Using 'MOSS'—Plagiarism Detection Software: UB Introduction Manual for Professors and TAs".

  5. "Plagiarism Spectrum 2.0" UPDATED

  6. "What is Plagiarism [at Indiana University]?"

  7. Samuelson, Pamela (1994), "Self-Plagiarism or Fair Use?", Communications of the ACM 37(8) (August): 21–25.

  8. Harvey, Gordon (1995), "Plagiarism", from Writing with Sources

  9. Newton, Janice (1995), "Plagiarism and the Challenge of Essay Writing: Learning from our Students"

  10. Harris, Robert (2004), "Anti-Plagiarism Strategies for Research Papers", Virtual Salt (July 27, 2005)

  11. Collberg, Christian; & Kobourov, Stephen (2005), "Self-Plagiarism in Computer Science", Communications of the ACM 48(4) (April): 88–94.

  12. Malesic, Jonathan (2006), "How Dumb Do They Think We Are?", Chronicle of Higher Education (15 December): C2–C3.

  13. Jaschik, Scott (2008), "Double Dipping in Conference Papers", Inside Higher Ed (20 May).

  14. Sinor, Jennifer (2008), "When a Syllabus Is Not Your Own", Chronicle of Higher Education (8 August): A21, A24.

  15. Staples, Brent (2010), "Cutting and Pasting: A Senior Thesis by (Insert Name)", New York Times (13 July): A24.

  16. Gabriel, Trip (2010), "Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age", New York Times (2 August): A1.

  17. Fish, Stanley (2010), "Plagiarism Is Not a Big Moral Deal", Opinionator (blog), New York Times.

  18. Ahearne, John F. (2011), "Honesty", American Scientist 99(2) (March-April): 120–122.

  19. Parsons, Keith M. (2015), "Further Message to My Students: Why Plagiarism Makes Me So Angry", Huff Post Education (10 June).

  20. ...or do a Google search on "plagiarism" (but be careful not to plagiarize anything you find there!).

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