###################################################################### # Makefile for Techrep and its forms based interface # ###################################################################### CC = gcc -Wall #--- You shouldn't have to edit anything else. --- BIN = ../bin CGIBIN = ../cgi-bin DEBUG = -g OPTIMIZE = WARNINGS = INC_DIRS = CFLAGS = $(INC_DIRS) $(DEBUG) $(OPTIMIZE) $(WARNINGS) -fno-builtin -fpcc-struct-return LDLIBS = -lm PROGRAM = techrep COM_OBJECTS = sitespec.o techrep.o make_readme.o com-util.o WEB_OBJECTS = web-util.o masterform.o SHARED_OBJECTS = citation.o util.o COMPILE.o.c = $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) all: techrep masterform techrep: $(COM_OBJECTS) $(SHARED_OBJECTS) # purify $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o techrep $(COM_OBJECTS) $(SHARED_OBJECTS) $(LDLIBS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o techrep $(COM_OBJECTS) $(SHARED_OBJECTS) $(LDLIBS) chmod 4550 techrep mv -f $(PROGRAM) $(BIN) @echo "" masterform: $(WEB_OBJECTS) $(SHARED_OBJECTS) $(CC) $(WEB_OBJECTS) $(SHARED_OBJECTS) -o $(CGIBIN)/masterform trycit: trycit.c citation.o util.o $(CC) trycit.c citation.o util.o -o trycit change-passwd: change-passwd.o util.o $(CC) change-passwd.o util.o -o $(CGIBIN)/change-passwd techrep.o: sitespec.o citation.o techrep.c techrep.h $(CC) -o techrep.o $(CFLAGS) -c techrep.c make_readme.o: make_readme.c make_readme.h citation.o techrep.h $(CC) -o make_readme.o $(CFLAGS) -c make_readme.c com-util.o: com-util.c com-util.h techrep.h $(CC) -o com-util.o $(CFLAGS) -c com-util.c citation.o: citation.c citation.h techrep.h $(CC) -o citation.o $(CFLAGS) -c citation.c sitespec.o: com-conf.h sitespec.c sitespec.h techrep.h $(CC) -o sitespec.o $(CFLAGS) -c sitespec.c clean: rm -f *.o *~ core techrep masterform web-conf.h com-conf.h $(BIN)/techrep