// Commands to simulate //iverilog -o example1.vvp example1.v //vvp example1.vvp // sequential Example 5_20 : the instantiation is inside the test bench // item 1 module counter2 (output y, input x, input clock,input reset); // item 2 reg[1:0] state; // 2 bits // item 3 parameter S0=2'b00, S1 = 2'b01, S2=2'b10, S3=2'b11; //item 4 when and how do the state transitions happen? always@ (posedge clock, negedge reset)// event driven if (reset == 0) state <= S0; else case (state) S0 : if(x==1) state <= S1; else state<= S0; S1 : if(x==1) state <= S2; else state<= S1; S2 : if(x == 1) state <= S3; else state<= S2; S3 : if(x == 1) state <= S0; else state<= S3; endcase // case(state) // item 5 : output assign y = (state==S3); endmodule // counter2 /*----------------------------------------------*/ module counter2_tb; // stand alone // item 1 definitions reg x, clk, rst; wire y; // item 2 instantiate counter2 counter2 C1(y, x, clk,rst); // item 3 initial #120 $finish; // duration of your simulation testing // item 4 initial begin rst = 0; clk = 0; #5 rst = 1; repeat (16) #5 clk = ~clk; end // item 5 for x initial begin x = 1'b0; repeat(8) #10 x = ~x; end // item 6 for montioring, output text and waveform initial begin $monitor("x= %d y= %d",x,y); $dumpfile("example1.vcd"); $dumpvars; end endmodule