Assignment 9, Due at 11:59pm, Friday Dec 05. (Absolute deadline!)


What to do

You are to write a C++ program that does the following.
  1. It keeps reading user's inputs, line by line. Each input line the user types is supposed to be in one of the following forms:
    insert [list of integer keys]
    remove [key]
    find [key]
    insert [key]
    • exit tells your program to quit
    • newtree creates a new Splay Tree and clear the old tree.
    • [key] is any integer such as 5 or -3
    • [list of integer keys] is a list of integers separated by spaces, such as 5 -3 4 1 20.
    • insert inserts the list of keys (integers) into a Splay tree. If the key already exists in the tree then it is not inserted.
    • remove removes a node with the key from the Splay tree. If the key does not exist in the tree then we report so.
    • find returns whether the key exists in the tree
    • print prints the tree in pretty format
  2. I have written most of the above program, leaving out two functions: splay() and remove(). You can download the source codes by typing (from your timberlake account):
    gunzip A9.tar.gz
    tar -xvf A9.tar
    cd A9
    An executable named splaydriver will be produced. I've already implemented the assignment. You can download the binary and run it under timberlake
    chmod 700 hqn-splaydriver
    Here is a sample run of splaydriver:
    $ hqn-splaydriver
    UB Splay Tree Driver. Version 0.7
     Please report bugs to
    > insert 50 40 30 20 10
    50 just inserted
    40 just inserted
    30 just inserted
    20 just inserted
    10 just inserted
    > print
     /    \
    x    [20]
        /    \
       x    [30]
           /    \
          x    [40]
              /    \
             x    [50]
    > find 50
    50 FOUND
    > print
            /      \
        _[20]_      x
       /      \
    [10]     [40]
            /    \
         [30]     x
    > find 45
    45 NOT FOUND
    > print
           /     \
        [20]    [50]
       /    \
    [10]   [30]
    > insert 32
    32 just inserted
    > print
               /      \
            [30]     [40]
           /    \   /    \
        [20]     x x    [50]
       /    \
    [10]     x
    > insert 25
    25 just inserted
    > print
           /        \
        [20]       [32]
       /    \     /    \
    [10]     x [30]   [40]
                     /    \
                    x    [50]
    > remove 25
    25 removed!
    > print
               /      \
            [30]     [40]
           /    \   /    \
        [20]     x x    [50]
       /    \
    [10]     x
    > remove 31
    ** ERROR **
    Key 31 NOT removed
    > print
           /      \
        [20]     [32]
       /    \   /    \
    [10]     x x    [40]
                   /    \
                  x    [50]
    > remove 32
    32 removed!
    > print
           /      \
        [20]     [40]
       /    \   /    \
    [10]     x x    [50]
    > remove 20
    20 removed!
    > print
       /    \
    [10]   [40]
          /    \
         x    [50]
    > remove 50
    50 removed!
    > print
           /    \
        [30]     x
       /    \
    [10]     x
    > remove 40
    40 removed!
    > print
       /    \
    [10]     x
    > remove 10
    10 removed!
    > print
    > remove 30
    30 removed!
    > print
    > exit
  3. Finally, the only file you can modify is SplayTree.cpp. You are to supply the body of the two functions that have TODO: TBD in the body. I strongly suggest you read the rest of the code base carefully before starting. In particular, make sure you understand what leftRotate() and rightRotate() do. Do not modify any other functions' bodies. Do not add any more data members nor function members.
  4. When you submit your assignment, you will only submit one file: SplayTree.cpp. We will copy this file to a directory containing all other files and compile and grade. Don't modify any other files.

How to submit

submit_cse250 SplayTree.cpp
Note that the above line only works if you logged in to your CSE account and the file is there. All previous things can be done at home, as long as you remember to upload the final file to your CSE account and run the submit script from there.
