""" examples_datatools.py Jason Corso (jcorso@acm.org) Example uses of the datatools.py module in prpy. """ import prpy as pr import numpy as np import scipy as sp import scipy.io # Example 1. Generating a data set with a Gaussian distribution and plotting it X1 = pr.datatools.genData_gaussian([0,0],[[1,0],[0,3]],1000) pr.datatools.plotData_one(X1) # Example 2. Plotting two classes of data alongside each other X2 = pr.datatools.genData_gaussian([5,0],[[1.4,0.71],[-0.71,1.4]],1000) pr.datatools.plotData_twoClass(X1,X2) # Example 3. Generating a multiclass 2D data set interactively (X,Y) = pr.datatools.genData_interactive(2,10) close('all') pr.datatools.plotData(X,Y) # Example 4. Saving to disk and reading from disk (use NumPy directly) np.save('/tmp/X.npy',X) # save one array at a time np.savez('/tmp/data.npz',X=X,Y=Y) # save many arrays into a package Z = np.load('/tmp/data.npz') Z.keys() pr.datatools.plotData(Z['X'],Z['Y']) X = Z['X'] Y = Z['Y'] # Example 5. Saving for Matlab and Reading from Matlab sp.io.savemat('/tmp/data.mat',{'X':X,'Y':Y}) M = sp.io.loadmat('/tmp/data.mat') pr.datatools.plotData(M['X'],M['Y'])