Discrete Structures

Lecture Notes, 1 Nov 2010

Last Update: 1 November 2010, 8:24 P.M.

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§2.2: Set Operations (cont'd)

§2.3: Functions

  1. Reminder: Last time, I introduced some notation that cannot easily be shown in HTML; I'll do my best.

    1. Notation:

        i = n
        ∪Ai =def A1 ∪ A2 ∪ … ∪ An
        i = 1

          = (alternative notation)

          i = 1

          = (alternative notation)


          = (alternative notation) i ∈ {1,…, n}Ai = (alternative notation) iAi

          • (which should remind you of ∃iA(i))

    2. E.g.:

        Suppose (∀i ∈ {1,…, n})[Ai = {i}]
          ∴ A1 = {1}, A2 = {2}, …

        1. Then:

            ∪Ai = {1} ∪ {2} ∪ {3} ∪ {4} = {1,2,3,4}


            ∪Ai = {1,2,3,…, n}


            ∪Ai = iWAi = {1} ∪ … ∪ {i} ∪ … = W

    3. Similarly:

        ∩Ai = A1 ∩ … ∩ An

      • E.g.:

          ∩Ai = {1} ∩ {2} ∩ {3} ∩ {4} = ∅

  2. Be sure to read "Using Sets to Define the Natural Numbers",

  3. Functions:

    1. Note about the textbook:

      • The book defines "function" in terms of an "assignment";
        but "assignment" is never defined!

      • Nor does the book define "function" in terms of "relations";
        but I will :-)

    2. Relations:

      1. Informally, a binary relation between 2 objects is like a property that belongs to the ordered pair of the objects


        1. x < y (e.g., 1 < 2)

          • "<" is a 2-place relation between x & y
            (or: it's a property of (x, y) )

        2. x is a sibling of y (Kim is Pat's sibling)

          • "being a sibling of" is a 2-place relation between x & y

        3. x is a course that is taken by student y (191 is a course that you take)

        4. x is between y and z (2 is between 1 and 3)

      2. (Formal, Set-Theoretic) Definition:

          Let A,B be sets.
          Then R is a binary relation on A × B
          or: R is a binary relation from A to B
          or: R is a binary relation between A and B

          =def R ⊆ A × B

        • i.e., R ⊆ {(a, b) | (a ∈ A) ∧ (b ∈ B)}

    3. Functions:

      1. Basic idea: A function is a relation s.t. the same input (I/P) always has the same output (O/P)

        • So, the graphs of curves like a straight line with slope = 1, or a parabola open at the top, or a sine wave are functions.
        • But a circle is not a function.
        • And √ is not a function (each input has two outputs).

      2. Def:

          Let A,B be sets.
          Then f is a function from A to B


          1. f is a binary relation from A to B,
          2. (∀a∈A)(∀b∈B)(∀b′∈B)[( (a,b) ∈ f  ∧  (a,b′) ∈ f ) → b=b′]

      3. i.e., no two distinct members of f have the same first element (but different 2nd elements)

      4. I.e., if "2" members of f have the same first element,
        then they have the same second element.

        • i.e., it only seems as if they are 2 members.
        • i.e., "they" are one, not two

      5. i.e., same I/P → same O/P

    4. Notation & Terminology:

      1. "f : A → B" for: f is a function from A to B

        • Note: The "→" is NOT a material-conditional arrow!!!!!

      2. "f(a) = b"
          or                      for: (a, b) ∈ f
        "f : a |→ b"

      3. In the above, "a" and "b" are associated with different jargon in different academic disciplines:

          social sciencesindependent
            b is a function of a
            b depends on a
          mathematicspre-image of b image of a
          computer scienceinputoutput

      4. f "maps" A "to" B

        f is a "transformation of" A "into" B

    5. Def:

        Let A,B be sets.
        Let a,c ∈ A; b,d ∈ B.
        Let f, g : A → B
        Then f = g  =def  {(a, b) | (a, b) ∈ f} = {(c, d) | (c, d) ∈ g}

      1. i.e., f = g  ↔  ∀ab[(a, b) ∈ f  ↔  (a, b) ∈ g]

      2. i.e., f = g  ↔  ∀ab[f(a) = b  ↔  g(a) = b]

      3. i.e, "2" functions are the same iff they are the same set

    6. The So-Called "Function Machine"

      1. Consider a machine f that:

        • takes input a,
        • you turn a crank,
        • it grinds away at the input,
        • and finally it outputs b (i.e., f(a)):

      2. Despite what you may have been told elsewhere (e.g., in high school), this is NOT what a function is!

      3. A function is merely the set of input-output (I/O) pairs.

      4. What the machine really is is a computer!

        • (And the "gears" are an algorithm that computes the function.)

        • But: not all functions can be computed by algorithms!
        • I.e., there are functions for which there are no such "function machines"

      5. For more info, take CSE 396
      6. or see "What Is Computation?"

Next lecture…

Text copyright © 2010 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@buffalo.edu)
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