Discrete Structures

Lecture Notes, 22 Nov 2010

Last Update: 22 November 2010

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§§7.1–7.2: Recurrence Relations (cont'd)

  1. Thm 1 (p. 462):

  2. Procedure (i.e., algorithm) for solving a (linear homogeneous) recurrence relation
    (of degree 2 with constant coefficients):

    1. Set up the characteristic equation:

        r² – c1r – c2

    2. Solve the characteristic eqn for r1, r2

      1. if r1 = r2,
          then begin O/P "no solution"; halt end
          else goto (2b)

      2. Use:

                  –b + √(b² – 4ac)
          r1 = ______________


                  –b – √(b² – 4ac)
          r2 = ______________

        where ar² + br + c = 0


          a = 1
          b = –c1
          c = –c2

                  –c1 + √(c1² – 4c2)
          r1 = ______________


                  –c1 – √(c1² – 4c2)
          r2 = ______________

    3. Find α1, α2 such that an = α1r1n + α2r2n:

      • r1 & r2 were computed in step 2

      1. Use initial conditions to produce 2 simultaneous eqns in 2 unknowns:

        1. a0 = α1r10 + α2r20 = α1 + α2 (!)

        2. a1 = α1r11 + α2r21 = α1r1 + α2r2

      2. Solve these for α1 & α2

          • Note: α1 = a0 – α2 (from 3(a)(i))

            ∴ a1 = (a0 – α2)r1 + α2r2 (from 3(a)(ii))
                      = a0r1 – α2r1 + α2r2
                      = a0r1 + α2(r2 – r1)

            ∴ α2(r2 – r1) = a1 – a0r1

            ∴ α2 = (a1 – a0r1) / (r2 – r1)

            • …which is why r1 ≠ r2 !

            ∴ α1 = a0 – α2 = a0 – (a1 – a0r1) / (r2 – r1)
                      = (a0r2 – a0r1 + a0r1 – a1) / (r2 – r1)
                      = (a0r2 – a1) / (r2 – r1)

  3. As an example, let's solve the Fibonacci recurrence relation:

    1. f0 = 0
      f1 = 1

      fn = fn–1 + fn–2


    2. Solution:

      1. Char Eqn: r² – c1r – c2 = 0

        • What are c1, c2 s.t. fn = c1fn–1 + c2fn–2?

        • Answer: c1 = c2 = 1

        • ∴ char eqn is: r² – r – 1 = 0


          • Consider a "golden rectangle":

            —allegedly the most aesthetically pleasing rectangle:

            • The front of the Parthenon has the shape of a golden rectangle.

            • Index cards come in golden rectangles: 3×5; 5×8 (note the Fibonacci numbers!)

          • The "golden ratio" (see the picture of the golden rectangle, above) is:

               r + 1      r
              _____ = _
                  r         1

            ∴ r² = r + 1
            ∴ r² – r – 1 = 0  [does that look familiar?]

      2. Solve for r:

        • r = (1 ± √(1 + 4))/2 = (1 ± √5)/2

        • This is (these are?) the golden ratio(s):

          • √5 = 2.236067977…
          • (1+√5)/2 =   1.6180339885…
          • (1–√5)/2 = –0.6180339885…
          • Also: the reciprocal of (1+√5)/2 = 0.6180339885…

            • Weird!

      3. Find α1, α2 s.t. fn = α1r1n + α2r2n :

        • Let r1 = (1+√5)/2 & r2 = (1–√5)/2

        • f0 = 0 = α1r10 + α2r20 = α1 + α2

        • f1 = 1 = α1r11 + α2r21

                    = α1((1+√5)/2) + α2((1–√5)/2)

        • Solve:

          • 0 = α1 + α2
          • ∴ α1 = –α2

          • 1 = α1((1+√5)/2) + α2((1–√5)/2)

          • ∴ 1 = –α2((1+√5)/2) + α2((1–√5)/2)

                    = α2( (–1–√5)/2 + (1–√5)/2 )

                    = α2( (–1–√5+1–√5)/2 )

                    = α2( (–2√5)/2 )

                    = –α2√5

          • ∴ α2 = –1/√5

          • ∴ α1 =   1/√5

      4. ∴ fn = (1/√5)((1+√5)/2)n – (1/√5)((1–√5)/2)n

  4. Another example:

    1. A long time ago, I discovered that if you fold a piece of paper in ½, then fold the top half back, then fold it ¼ of the way, then fold it back and fold it 3/8 of the way, and so on (see Fig. 1, below), the edge of the paper winds up 1/3 of the way from the edge!

      1. More precisely, fold it according to the following directions:

      2. The question is: Where does B end up?

        And the answer is: 1/3 of the way from the edge!

        The puzzle is: How does a sequence of foldings-in-half yield the number 1/3?

    2. For the use of continuous math (i.e., limits) to prove this, see:

    3. Here's the sequence of folds, expressed recursively:

        a0 = 0 (paper begins unfolded, at one edge, or 0")
        a1 = ½ (first fold moves the edge ½, to middle of paper)

        an = (an–1 + an–2)/2

          (each subsequent fold moves the edge to the average of its previous two positions)

            = ½an–1 + ½an–2

      • 0, ½, ¼, 3/8, 5/16, 11/32, …

      • The curious feature is that each term in the sequence has a denominator that is a power of 2,
        yet the limit of the folds is 1/3.

        Where did the "3" come from?

    4. Let's solve this recurrence relation:

      • I/P: an = ½an–1 + ½an–2

      1. Char Eqn: r² – ½r – ½

      2. Solve for r:

        • r = (½ ± √(¼ + 4*½))/2
            = (½ ± √(¼ + 2))/2
            = (½ ± √(9/4))/2
            = (½ ± 3/2)/2
            ∈ {1, –½}

        • i.e.) r1 = 1 & r2 = –½

      3. Solve for α:

        • a0 = 0 = α1 + α2

          ∴ α2 = –α1

        • a1 = ½ = 1*α1 + (–½*α2) = α1 – α2/2

          ∴ ½ = α1 + α1/2 = 3α1/2

          ∴ 1 = 3α1

          ∴ α1 = 1/3  [there's the 1/3!!!]

          ∴ α2 = –1/3

      • O/P:

          an = α1r1n + α2r2n
               = (1/3)*1n + (–1/3)*(–½)n =      1/3 – (1/3)*(–½)n      = (1/3)(1 – (–½)n)

      • (As n gets bigger, the –½n gets smaller and smaller;
        in the limit it goes to 0, so the limit of the sequence is 1/3)

    1. A final example, to be continued next time…

      Consider this sequence:

        a0 = C0
        a1 = C1

        an = 3an–1 – 2an–2, ∀ n ≥ 2

      Try it! Use the algorithm to show that an = 2n – 1, as suggested in the table in the previous lecture.

      (answer will be given in the next lecture)

Next lecture…

Text copyright © 2010 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@buffalo.edu)
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