• To access articles from Psychological Bulletin, Psychological Review, or American Psychologist:

    1. Link to: UB Libraries Electronic Journals.

      • If you are off-campus, you may need to enter your UBIT username and password.

    2. Type the journal title into the Search box and click the "Search" button.

      • Other journals (e.g., Language, Proc. IRE) can be accessed in a similar fashion;
        most have much simpler interfaces than the one described here for Psych. Bul., Psych. Rev., and Amer. Psych.!

    3. Click on "Journals@Ovid PsycArticles".
    4. Find the volume and number that you are looking for (click the red "Next" button to go to earlier issues).
    5. Click the "Table of Contents" button for the issue you want.
    6. Find the article in the table of contents, and then click either
      "Complete Reference" for a full citation with abstract, or
      "Ovid Full Text" to download a PDF copy of the article.