CSE 719: Computational Theories of Consciousness, Fall 2009 ======================================================================== Floridi (2005) quotes (for bib info, see online bibliography) ======================================================================== 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "...had I taken the dumbing tablet I would not have been able to report orally my state of ignorance about my dumb/non-dumb state, but I have been [able to do that] and I know that I have been [able to do that, because] I have heard myself speaking and saw the guard reacting to my speaking, but this (my oral report) is possible only if I did not take the dumbing tablet [I.E., MY REPORT *IS* POSSIBLE; THEREFORE, I DID NOT TAKE THE DUMBING TABLET], so now I know tht I am in a non-dumb state, hence I know that I have not taken the dumbing tablet, and I know that I know all this, that is, I know that my previous state of ignorance has now been erased, so I can revise my statement and reply, correctly, in which state I am, which is a state of not having taken the dumbing table, of knowing that I haven't, and--by going through this whole process and passing the test--of knowing how I know both that I haven't and that I know that I haven't". (pp. 432-433.)