Extreme sports background

Text Box: lex

Text Box: object

Text Box: proper-name

Text Box: object

Text Box: object

Text Box: object

Text Box: subclass

Text Box: subclass

Text Box: superclass

Text Box: superclass

Text Box: lex

Text Box: lex

Text Box: lex

Text Box: lex

Text Box: lex

Text Box: lex

Text Box: mod

Text Box: head

Text Box: property

Text Box: property

Text Box: property
Text Box: ant

Text Box: cq

Text Box: antonym

Text Box: antonym

Text Box: forall



















There is an object with proper name Extreme sports that is a subclass of sports and has the property of being extreme.

Sports is a subclass of competitive activity.

Extreme and normal are antonyms.

If something has the property of being extreme then it has the property of being high intensity.