;; A representation of: ;; "A decade ago research on lab animals revealed that stem cells taken from ;; animal embryos are astoundingly versatile. They grow in the lab, proliferate ;; like rabbits and turn into specialized cells such as neurons (Begley 2001)." ;; ;; Representations are based on Marc Broklawski's original representations though ;; changes have been made to adhere to the case frames used by Ehrlich's ;; algorithm. Also new rules have been introduced. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Setup work. Define external paths and relations and load verb algorithm ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Reset the network (resetnet t) ;; Define the relations we will need. (define agent act object lext property objects1 object1 rel object2 ant cq &cq members class mod head source target transference vehicle forall &ant context arg1 arg2) ;;; Don't trace infer ^(setq snip:*infertrace* nil) ;;; Introduce Marc's relations (intext "rels") ;;; Compose paths (intext "paths") ;;; Load Noun/Verb Algorithm ^(load "code") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Representation of: ;; "research on lab animals" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Model the subclass of lab animals upon which research was performed. A ;; subclass/superclass case frmae is used. ;; Ehrlich might not have used a subclass/superclass to represent this set. She ;; instead might have done the following: ;; ;; object1 #setOfLabAnimals ;; rel "ARE" ;; object2 (build lex "lab animal") ;; ;; a variant which she admits is far from ideal but might be ;; needed for the purposes of her algorithm. It is not clear if I ;; need to use this model. (describe (assert subclass #labAnimals superclass( build lex "lab animal"))) (describe (build act (build lex "research") object *labAnimals) = researchOnLabAnimals) ;; The verb is used in what appears to be the transitive sense. (describe (assert object (build lex "research") property (build lex "transitive"))) ;; The moment of truth... ^(defn_verb 'research) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Representation of: ;; "stem cells taken from animal embryos" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Model the animal embryos used in this experiment. We are unfamiliar with ;; the type or quantity of of animal embryos used so we consider them to be ;; a subclass of the class animal embryo. (describe ( assert subclass #animalEmbryosInExperiment superclass (build lex "animal embryo"))) ;; Specify the subset of stem cells used in this specific research. ;; Assume the class "stem cell" is a basic level category. The reason ;; for this is twofold: ;; 1. My first impression was that it was basic level. ;; 2. Ehrlich's verb algorithm gives better results with basic level categories ;; as the Agents of actions. (describe( assert members #stemCellsInExperiment class (build lex "stem cell"))) ;; Define that "stem cell" is a basic level category. ;; This is Ehrlich's model for representing a class as basic level. (describe ( assert object1 (lex "stem cell") rel ("ISA") object2 (build lex "basic ctgy"))) ;; Model the action "taken". The source arc is not part of Ehrlich's case ;; frames. However, it is not evident that the source of an action is ;; important to the functioning of the verb algorithm. (describe (build action (build lex "take") source *animalEmbryosInExperiment object *stemCellsInExperiment) = takeAction) ;; Show that the set of stem cells is modified by the fact that it is taken ;; from animal embryos. (describe (build mod takeAction head *stemCellsInExperiment) = stemCellsFromResearch) ;; The moment of truth... ^(defn_verb 'take) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Representation of: ;; "stem cells taken from animal embryos are astoundingly versatile" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (describe(assert object stemCellsFromResearch property (build lex "astoundingly versatile") = stemCellsAreAstoundinglyVersatile)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Representation of: ;; "the research itself revealed that stem cells taken from animal embryos ;; are astoundingly versatile" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Ehrlich's algorithm will return the Agent as being SOMETHING rather than making ;; an attempt at guessing what the agent might be. ;; If the user limits himself to using agents that directly or through path based ;; inference are basic ctg, then the algorithm will return useful results. ;; (Also if the agent is a member of class Animal the algorithm will make a ;; distinction though it is not helpful here.) ;; A possible solution is to model researchOnLabAnimals as a basic level category. ;; But how? (describe( assert agent researchOnLabAnimals act (build lex "reveal") object stemCellsAreAstoundinglyVersatile)) ;; Denote reveal as being a transitive verb in this sense. (describe (assert object (build lex "reveal") property (build lex "transitive"))) ;; The moment of truth... ^(defn_verb 'reveal) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Representation of: ;; "they grow in the lab" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; The use of grow is modeled as a reflexive verb (the agent acts upon itself). ;; Consider these two sentences: ;; "They grew the watermellon." ;; Ag Act Object ;; and ;; "They grow " (themselves) <- Implied(?) ;; Ag Act Object ;; ;; The location relation is an Ehrlich specific relation. (describe (assert agent stemCellsFromResearch act (build lex "grow") object stemCellsFromResearch location (build lex "lab") = stemCellsGrownInLab)) ;; Define grow as being reflexive. If the Agent associated with grow were ;; a basic ctg or of the class Animal the output would be: ;; "A whatever can grow itself." (describe(assert object (build lex "grow") property(build lex "reflexive"))) ;; The moment of truth... ^(defn_verb 'grow) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Representation of: ;; "they proliferate like rabbits" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Show that stem cells proliferate. Here is a major difference from Marc's ;; original representation. Marc had the agent representing the conglomerate: ;; "stem cells modified by having been taken from animal embryos." ;; This has two drawbacks: ;; 1. In the similie "they proliferate like rabbits" they more likely refers ;; to stem cells in general than the specific stem cells obtained from research. ;; This is of course open to debate. ;; 2. Ehrlich's verb algorithm will have difficulty working with an agent that ;; is not a basic ctgy. ;; Therefore I model the agent as being plain old stem cells. (describe(assert agent *stemCellsInExperiment act (build lex "proliferate"))) ;; Define the rabbit subset proliferating. Consider rabbits to be a basic level category ;; and that stem cells are like a set of these of these rabbits ( a set ;; excluding the Trix bunny, Easter bunny, etc.). ;; This is how Ehrlich represents a collection. (describe (assert members #rabbits class (build lex "rabbit"))) ;; Make rabbits a basic level category (describe (assert object1 (build lex "rabbit") rel ("ISA") object2 (build lex "basic ctgy"))) ;; Show that rabbits proliferate (describe(assert agent *rabbits act( build lex "proliferate"))) ;; Make proliferate intransitive as it can only be inferred that the verb ;; exits and that it has a subject. (describe (assert object(build lex "proliferate") property(build lex "intransitive"))) ;; The moment of truth... ^(defn_verb 'proliferate) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Define a consequence for for the action proliferate. Ehrlich has a concept ;; of consequence that is very similar to the effect in an action/effect ;; case frame. ;; Model the action proliferate having a consequence as follows: ;; "If r is a rabbit and r proliferates, <--- Action ;; then r does some unknown consequence." <--- Consequence of Action ;; "If r is a stem cell and r proliferates, then r does some unknown consequence." ;; ;; It should be noted that consequences are crucial for Ehrlich's algorithm to ;; give a complete verb definition. Here I represent a consequence that is, ;; at this point, unknown. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (describe (build lex "unknown consequence") = unknownCq) (describe (assert forall ($rabbits) &ant ( (build members *rabbits class (build lex "rabbit")) (build agent *rabbits act (build lex "proliferate"))) cq (build agent *rabbits act unknownCq ))) ;; Proof that the rule is in working order (describe (deduce agent $x act unknownCq )) (describe (assert forall ($sc) &ant ( (build members *sc class (build lex "stem cell")) (build agent *sc act (build lex "proliferate")) ) cq (build agent *sc act unknownCq ))) ;; Proof that the rule is in working order (describe (deduce agent $x act unknownCq )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Make an attempt at defining the similie/metaphor relation. ;; Essentially, the unknown consequence for a rabbit proliferating is in a ;; metaphor/similie action relation to the unknown consequence for a stem cell ;; proliferating on some conceptual level. ;; Similar to Marc's representation if object1 is viewed as source, object2 ;; is viewed as target and rel defines the relation as being a "similie/metaphor" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (describe (assert object1 unknownCq rel (build mod ("unknown concept") head ("similie/metaphor action")) object2 unknownCq )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; object1/rel/object2 can have further meaning if we create a specific rule ;; with which to interpret the case frame when rel points to a "similie/metaphor ;; action". For instance: ;; "If ;; conseqeunce x and consequnece y are in a "simile/metaphor action" relation ;; modified by context z, ;; then ;; similarities exist between consequence x and consequence y based on the ;; context z." ;; ;; For instance if the sentence were "Juliet runs like a deer." then there are ;; two consequences for running (or less, depending on how it is modeled.) The ;; consequences could be: ;; 1. If Juliet runs she moves from point A to point B quickly. ;; 2. If a deer runs it moves from point A to point B quickly. ;; Both of these consequences would be similar based on the concept of ;; "gracefullness." ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (describe ( assert forall ($x $y $z) &ant (build object1 *x rel (build mod *z head ("similie/metaphor action")) object2 *y ) cq (build head (build agent (build lex "similarity(s)") act (build lex "exist between") object *y object *x) mod *z))) ;; Proof that the rule is in working order (describe (deduce head (build act (build lex "exist between")))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; "They turn into specialized cells such as neurons." ;; Define the neurons and specialized cells ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Make neurons basic level (describe ( assert object1 (build lex "neuron") rel ("ISA") object2 (build lex "basic ctgy"))) ;; Make neurons a subclass of specialized cells (describe (assert subclass (build lex "neuron") superclass (build lex "specialized cell"))) ;; Model the neurons in research as a collection of the class neuron. ;; Uses an Ehrlich specific case frame. (describe (assert members #neurons class (build lex "neuron"))) ;; Model the action of turning into something. (describe (assert agent stemCellsFromResearch act (build lex "turn into") object *neurons)) (describe (build object(build lex "turn into") property (build lex "transitive"))) ;; The moment of truth... ^(defn_verb 'proliferate)