;;;; last modified: 4/14/2004 by clbecker ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; This file contains all the case frames that have been ;;;; used in CVA demos. ;;;; ;;;; Case frames are organized by category. ;;;; I also organized combinations of case frames that ;;;; are frequently used together on a single line. ;;;; e.g. member class, subclass superclass. ;;;; ;;;; A possible future project for this file would be to ;;;; include semantics for some of the case frames as comments ;;;; in this file. ;;;; (define ;;; ontological members member class subclass superclass rel ;;; syntactic agent act action object indobj instrument objects object1 objects1 object2 ;;; attributive associated direction location manner mode purpose property part whole place possessor proper-name propername quantity ;;; temporal before after cause effect eaffair stime etime time subinterval superinterval super-interval initial-sub-interval ;;; prepositional: from in into on onto to with ;;; lexical semantics antonym synonym equiv mod head ;;; representational a1 a2 a3 a4 kn_cat lex skf skarg ) ; end of define rels