Q. How to access your UB File system from a WINDOWS machine ?
********************************************** A. In case the student's host operating system is WINDOWS, you can map a drive to your UB File system.
Then you can access it like it is just a directory on your machine.

Here are the instructions to map a drive and access your UB File system.

1) Select Map Network Drive. You can get his option by using the windows explorer/opening a windows folder i.e. 'My Computer'.
2) Enter your UB File system url \\itorg.ad.buffalo.edu\ubfs\myfiles\[1st_letter_ubitname]\[2nd_letter_ubitname]\[YOUR UBITName] in the folder location.
3) Choose a drive letter which is unmapped currently.
4) Check the 'Reconnect at login' and 'Login using different credentials' checkboxes and try to login.
5) When prompted for a username enter 'ad\[YOUR UBITName]' in the username field and your password in the password fields and login.

Please see here [1] for more details.

Note:- In case you are off-campus, you might need to use AnyConnect VPN client.
Here are the instructions as so how to install/use AnyConnect[2].

[1] http://ubit.buffalo.edu/ubfs/accessubfs.php
[2] http://ubit.buffalo.edu/software/win/vpn/offcampus.php

Q. How to access your UB File system on a LINUX machine ?
A. There are two ways in which you can access your UB File system, in case the student's host operating system is LINUX.
1) You can sftp to the UB file system using UBUnix.
2) You can use SSHFS

Here are the instructions to use SSHFS [4].

I used the UBUnix option because I found it simpler.
Let me outline the steps :-

To login to UBUnix, open a terminal and type in sftp [YOUR-UBITNAME]@ubunix.buffalo.edu
Preferably navigate to the folder from where you can transfer files from.

[Here below is a sample execution of commonly used sftp commands]
suchismit@robputer:~$ cd Desktop/code/dummy/
suchismit@robputer:~/Desktop/code/dummy$ ls
suchismit@robputer:~/Desktop/code/dummy$ sftp suchismi@ubunix.buffalo.edu
suchismi@ubunix.buffalo.edu's password:
Connected to ubunix.buffalo.edu.
sftp> ls
file.txt index.html public_html solaris
sftp> cd ..
sftp> ls
public_html ubunix windows
sftp> cd windows
sftp> ls
sftp> rmdir cse510
sftp> mkdir cse510
sftp> put main.m
Uploading main.m to /ubfs/myfiles/s/.windows/u/suchismi/windows/cse510/main.m
main.m 100% 562 0.6KB/s 00:00
sftp> ls
sftp> rm main.m
Removing /ubfs/myfiles/s/.windows/u/suchismi/windows/cse510/main.m
sftp> ls
sftp> put main.m
Uploading main.m to /ubfs/myfiles/s/.windows/u/suchismi/windows/cse510/main.m
main.m 100% 562 0.6KB/s 00:00
sftp> put main.m renamed.m
Uploading main.m to /ubfs/myfiles/s/.windows/u/suchismi/windows/cse510/renamed.m
main.m 100% 562 0.6KB/s 00:00
sftp> ls
main.m renamed.m
sftp> get renamed.m
Fetching /ubfs/myfiles/s/.windows/u/suchismi/windows/cse510/renamed.m to renamed.m
/ubfs/myfiles/s/.windows/u/suchismi/windows/c 100% 562 0.6KB/s 00:00
sftp> exit
suchismit@robputer:~/Desktop/code/dummy$ ls
main.m renamed.m
Please see here [3] for more details on using UBUnix.
Please see [5], [6], [7] for more sftp commands.

Note:- In case you are off-campus, you might need to use AnyConnect VPN client.
Here are the instructions as so how to install/use AnyConnect[8].

[3] http://ubit.buffalo.edu/software/linux/connectubfs.php
[4] http://ubit.buffalo.edu/software/linux/sshfs.php
[5] http://www.csee.umbc.edu/courses/104/fall05/ordonez/sftp_cmds.shtml
[6] http://kb.iu.edu/data/akqg.html
[7] http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl1_sftp.htm
[8] http://ubit.buffalo.edu/software/linux/vpn/

Q. How to access your UB File system on a MAC ?
A. You can access your UB File system using sftp.

Here is the main link for the instructions [9].
Additional links here [10], [11], [12], [13], [14].

[9] http://ubit.buffalo.edu/software/mac/sftp/
[10] Connecting to UBUnix or other Internet-connected computers using sftp
[11] Changing directories
[12] Uploading files from your Mac using sftp
[13] Downloading files to your Mac using sftp
[14] Additional commands