import java.lang.*; /** * * * * Created: Wed Jan 22 09:10:45 2003 *

* A class representing a person's name. * Every PersonName has a first name, a middle name, and a last name. * * @author Stuart C. Shapiro * @version */ public class PersonName implements Comparable { private String first; // The first (given) name of this PersonName. private String middle; // The middle name of this PersonName. private String last; // The last (family) name of this PersonName. /** * Creates a new PersonName instance * with a first, middle, and last name. * * @param f the first (given) name of this PersonName. * @param m the middle name of this PersonName. * @param l the last (family) name of this PersonName. */ public PersonName (String f, String m, String l){ first = f; middle = m; last = l; } /** * Creates a new PersonName instance * with a first and last name, but no middle name. * * @param f the first (given) name of this PersonName. * @param l the last (family) name of this PersonName. */ public PersonName(String f, String l) { this(f,"",l); } /** * Get the value of first. * @return value of first. */ public String getFirst() { return first; } /** * Set the value of first. * @param v Value to assign to first. */ public void setFirst(String v) { this.first = v; } /** * Get the value of middle. * @return value of middle. */ public String getMiddle() { return middle; } /** * Set the value of middle. * @param v Value to assign to middle. */ public void setMiddle(String v) { this.middle = v; } /** * Get the value of last. * @return value of last. */ public String getLast() { return last; } /** * Set the value of last. * @param v Value to assign to last. */ public void setLast(String v) { this.last = v; } /** * Returns a string representation of this PersonName. * * @return a String representation of this PersonName. */ public String toString() { return first + (middle.equals("")?" ":" " + middle + " ") + last; } /** * Compares this PersonName with another for content equality. * * @param n the other PersonName * @return true if this PersonName and the other are content equal, * false otherwise. */ public boolean equals(PersonName n) { return last.equals(n.getLast()) && middle.equals(n.getMiddle()) && first.equals(n.getFirst()); } /** * Compares this PersonName with another * to determine which should come first in an ordering. * * @param obj the Object * this PersonName is to be compared with * @return -1 if this PersonName should come before the other, * 0 if they compare the same, * 1 if this PersonName should come after the other. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if obj is not a PersonName. */ public int compareTo(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof PersonName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a PersonName."); } PersonName n = (PersonName)obj; if (last.compareTo(n.getLast()) < 0) {return -1;} if (last.compareTo(n.getLast()) > 0) {return 1;} if (first.compareTo(n.getFirst()) < 0) {return -1;} if (first.compareTo(n.getFirst()) > 0) {return 1;} if (middle.compareTo(n.getMiddle()) < 0) {return -1;} if (middle.compareTo(n.getMiddle()) > 0) {return 1;} return 0; } }// PersonName