@ARTICLE{xu:iotj2019b, author={D. {Chen} and H. {Cao} and H. {Chen} and Z. {Zhu} and X. {Qian} and W. {Xu} and M. {Huang}}, journal={IEEE Internet of Things Journal}, title={Smart Insole-Based Indoor Localization System for Internet of Things Applications}, year={2019}, volume={6}, number={4}, pages={7253-7265}, keywords={calibration;gait analysis;inertial navigation;Internet of Things;linear drift;two-step velocity calibration method;human gait characteristics;double-foot position calibration;real-time foot angle;gait cycle time;KUPT method;ZUPT method;indoor environment;KUPT+DFPC method;IoT applications;inertial measurement unit-based indoor localization method;zero velocity update;stationary epoch;velocity drift;Internet of Things applications;smart insole-based indoor localization system;size 91.0 m;Foot;Internet of Things;Pressure sensors;Sensor arrays;Real-time systems;Reliability;Gait;indoor localization;inertial measurement unit (IMU);Internet of Things (IoT);zero velocity update (ZUPT)}, doi={10.1109/JIOT.2019.2915791}, ISSN={}, month={Aug},}