Package fishbowl.strategy

Interface Summary
FollowerFishBehaviorMenuObserver Methods called auto-magically when the user clicks an option from the Follower Fish behavior menu of Applet.
IFishBehavior TODO: fill in comments for IFishBehavior
LeaderFishBehaviorMenuObserver Methods called auto-magically when the user clicks an option from the Leader Fish behavior menu of Applet.
MultiFishBehaviorMenuObserver Methods called auto-magically when the user clicks an option from the Multi Fish behavior menu of Applet.
SingleFishBehaviorMenuObserver Methods called auto-magically when the user clicks an option from the Single Fish behavior menu of Applet.

Class Summary
Fish TODO: fill in comments for Fish
Lab7Applet An applet for strategy fish.
Lab8Applet An applet for strategy fish.