JIVE Platform
Release 0.2.2

JIVE Platform API Specification

edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour Interfaces and classes to support the contour model of program execution.
edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour.java Java-specific contour interfaces.
edu.bsu.cs.jive.events Interfaces that define the JiveLog representation for program execution history.
edu.bsu.cs.jive.util Miscellaneous utility classes and interfaces for JIVE.
edu.buffalo.cse.jive.core JIVE extensions of the JDT Debug model.
edu.buffalo.cse.jive.sequence Sequence model used to represent program execution history.
edu.buffalo.cse.jive.sequence.java Java-specific sequence model elements.
edu.buffalo.cse.jive.ui JIVE user interface support.
edu.buffalo.cse.jive.ui.search JIVE runtime search support.
edu.buffalo.cse.jive.ui.search.pages JIVE search pages.
edu.buffalo.cse.jive.ui.search.queries JIVE search queries.


JIVE Platform
Release 0.2.2