Lab Information

This page provides information about the lab components and the instructions for the labs. There are three categories of components we will need for completing the labs that will be assigned to you. (i) Required components that you will buy or obtain (ii) Optional but recommended component (Arduino) to supply the power and simulate input signals (iii) Hardware for Verilog-based synthesis and simulation available in the lab (Thanks to the CSE department ABET fund.)

I. Required Components

Here is the list of required components. You can procure these from any source convenient for you: You can buy these on your own, you may have it from other courses you have taken, you may buy these in a local store or get it from your parent's relative's or friend's workshop. A single stop solution: You can buy at Jameco using one collective part number: 2244818
It costs $22.97 + shipping and handling.


II. Optional but Recommended Component

The second part that we will use is an Arduino Uno. This is a very versatile and highly useful microcontroller board. This is often used in prototyping small circuits. Once again you can get this separately from any source convenient for you. This is available at It is the cheapest on You can buy both I. and II. (Arduino) togther at Jameco using one collective part number: 2244800
It costs $48.57 + shipping and handling.

III. Xilinx FPGA Board : CSE Lab provided

This is the Digilent Xilinx FPGA board we will support in the lab for you to learn Verilog synthesis and hardware simulation. You dont have to buy this; you can use the boards that your TA will provide. You will get it from your TA and return it at the end of the recitation.

If you CANNOT afford to buy the *I. Required Components* for any reason, please discuss it with me,