Lab 6 – CS 101 Fall 1998


Assigned the week of October 26th in lab

Due the week of November 2nd in lab

Hand In: printouts from the exercises, the question sheet


Bring this page up in a web browser in order to follow links (e.g. to the information about the CIT scanners). It is linked to the lab web page for CS 101, and its URL is:


Goals: use MS ClipArt and WordArt, gain some proficiency with the image and drawing tools available to you in Windows; learn how to put an image on your web page; get started with MS Excel.


  1. Do Hands-on Exercise 1 in chapter 3 of the MS Word section of the Grauer book. It starts on page 110 of the MS Word section. Make sure to print the picture out.
  2. Do Exercise 4, p 144 of the MS Word section of the Grauer book. Make sure you have read the material in Grauer on ClipArt and that you have done the Hands-on exercise 1 listed above. Print out your picture from this exercise. Make sure it isn’t very big for printing out purposes or it will take a long time to print.
  3. Put an image on your web page. Some of you have already got an image on your web page, but this is a useful exercise. Open a new document in MS Word. Click on the insert menu, select picture, and ClipArt. Scroll down and find one you like and click on it. Click the insert button. You should now have a document containing just an image. Click on the file menu and select Save as HTML. This causes the document to be saved as an html file, and any images in the document to be saved in GIF format. Close the document, and find the gif image that was saved. It will be stored in the same folder as the document, which is probably in Z:\. It will have a weird name like Image 1. Once you start saving files as HTML, the images in those files will be saved as Image x, where x is the number of the image. MS Word numbers these images across different documents, you just have to know where to look to find them. Double click on the gif image and it should cause a browser to start up (probably Internet Explorer). The image will be displayed in the browser. If this works you are ready to put it on your web page.
  4. To put an image on your web page you need to do the following:

ftp the image to your public_html directory in your ub

unix account;

(note that there must be space for the image or this won’t work, check how full your ubunix account is by logging in to it and typing quota –v, if there isn’t space check if there is anything you can delete – ask your TA for help. To ftp the image make sure you set the transfer mode to binary – that is, start ftp, open ubunix, and once you are logged in type bin at the ftp prompt. Then go ahead and ftp the image over. Use the put command. To use the put command type put and press enter, next to the prompt for local-file you can right click on the icon for your image and drag it into the ftp window and drop, this saves you the trouble of typing its name. Next to the prompt for remote-file make sure to give this image a name that works on the unix system (no spaces!!). If you need help with ftp, ask your TA.


make the image publicly readable;

do this by logging in to your ubunix account, changing into your public_html directory (cd public_html), type ls to make sure the image file is there, then type:

chmod a+rx myimage.gif

(where myimage.gif should be replaced by the name of your image file) to make this image publicly readable and executable


link the image to your web page

Add an image link to your web page to the image you just put in your account. The image tag looks like:

<img src = "myimage.gif"> where the text that appears between the quote marks is the URL of your image – note that if your image is in your public_html directory this need only be the name of the file containing the image (again, the word myimage should be replaced by the name you gave your image). If you are interested in image alignment, etc. you can check this web page: that also contains information about colors.


Scanning in an image or copying an image off the web

The set of steps you followed to get this image onto your web page will be the same for any image. Some images you will capture directly as gif images from web pages (as you did for the picture of President Kennedy in the lab last week). Some images you may want to scan in – see the posted list of scanner locations in the Baldy 19 lab. Much information can be found on the CIT Scanner web information page. You should probably bring a floppy disk with you if you use the scanner. Note that you can save the picture in a variety of formats from the Adobe Photoshop program, a jpeg file format will most probably be too large to fit on your floppy disk, you should select gif if you are going to use the image on a web page.


5. Do the hands-on exercises 1 and 2 in chapter 1 of the MS Excel section of your book. Note the following:

If you are working in the lab, you will be using the Z drive, if you are working at home you will use the C drive, and if you are working in a public site you may want to use a floppy disk which would be the A drive.


The practice files you need can be ftp-d from here or if you are working in the lab you can copy them from Z:\burhans

Instructions for copying from Z:\burhans in the lab:

  • Double click on the My Computer icon on your desktop
  • In the window that pops up, double click on the icon that represent you on henson (Z:) Keep this window (showing all your files on Z) open on the desktop, if it fills the whole screen make it smaller by clicking the little window button on the frame. You will copy the practice file for today from my account into your account on Z.
  • Double click on the Network Neighborhood icon on your desktop
  • In the window that pops up, double click on Henson.
  • Click the mouse in the window that pops up and start to type burhans, this should take you right to my folder. If you can't get this to work, just scroll until you find the folder labeled "burhans".
  • Double click on this folder (the one labeled burhans).
  • Right click on the Excel file called Grade Book, hold the mouse down and drag the icon for the file into the window that shows the contents of your folder on the Z drive, then release.
  • Select copy from the list of options that appear on the menu that pops up, and you will now have a copy of the file in your directory on Z.

If you choose ftp you will be getting a large number of sample and practice spreadsheets, you will not be using very many of them for the book exercises. For instructions on ftp-ing a .exe file and extracting its contents, review material from the first lab -- starting on page 25 of the Prerequisites for Windows section of the Grauer book. Remember that when the book refers to the A or C drive, you will use the C drive.


Starting MS Excel can be easily accomplished from the Office toolbar


Make sure you read the chapter, it will help considerably with the exercises


You may want to change your office assistant character (orange box p 13)


For hands-on exercise 1 you will print out the worksheet


If you select Print Preview and you want to get out of it and return to the normal view of the spreadsheet, click the button that says close


NOTE again that the directions for finding the file you used will differ from the book because you will store your files as mentioned above, in the lab it is on the Z drive


If you see a message that a worksheet was created in a previous version of Excel and do you want to save in the new version say yes


For widening rows and columns, make sure your cursor looks like a black cross with arrows pointing right and left (for a column) or up and down (for a row), double click when you see this and you can drag to resize


Ctrl+` (page 29 and others) means hold down the control key then type the backwards quote, which is on the key with the tilde. Note that you don’t type a plus sign, this is just the authors’ way of denoting a control key plus character.


On page 31 you will print two versions of the spreadsheet, one that displays formulas, one that does not.