JIVE Platform
Release 0.2.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Contour
edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour Interfaces and classes to support the contour model of program execution. 
edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour.java Java-specific contour interfaces. 

Uses of Contour in edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour

Methods in edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour that return Contour
 Contour ContourModel.getContour(ContourID id)
          Get the contour associated with a specific contour ID.
 Contour ContourModel.getParent(Contour contour)
          Get the parent (enclosing contour) of a specific contour.

Methods in edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour that return types with arguments of type Contour
 List<Contour> ContourModel.getChildren(Contour parent)
          Get the children of a specific contour.
 List<Contour> ContourModel.getChildren(Contour parent, List<Contour> result)
          Get the children of a specific contour.
 List<Contour> ContourModel.getRoots()
          Get the root contours.
 List<Contour> ContourModel.getRoots(List<Contour> result)
          Get the root contours.
 List<Contour> ContourModel.Importer.provideChildren(Contour parent)
          Provide the list of children for a contour.
 List<Contour> ContourModel.Importer.provideRoots()
          Provide the root contours for this importer

Methods in edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour with parameters of type Contour
 void ContourModel.Exporter.addContour(Contour contour, Contour parent)
          Export a contour.
 boolean ContourModel.contains(Contour contour)
          Check if the contour model contains a specific contour.
 void ContourModel.Listener.contourAdded(ContourModel model, Contour contour, Contour parent)
          Called when a contour is added to the model
 void ContourModel.Listener.contourRemoved(ContourModel model, Contour contour, Contour oldParent)
          Called when a contour is removed from the model
 int ContourModel.countChildren(Contour parent)
          Count the number of children of a specific contour.
 List<Contour> ContourModel.getChildren(Contour parent)
          Get the children of a specific contour.
 List<Contour> ContourModel.getChildren(Contour parent, List<Contour> result)
          Get the children of a specific contour.
 Contour ContourModel.getParent(Contour contour)
          Get the parent (enclosing contour) of a specific contour.
 List<Contour> ContourModel.Importer.provideChildren(Contour parent)
          Provide the list of children for a contour.
 void ContourModel.Listener.valueChanged(ContourModel model, Contour contour, VariableID variableID, Value newValue, Value oldValue)
          Called when a value is changed in the contour model
 void ContourModel.Visitor.visit(Contour contour)
          Visit a contour in the model

Method parameters in edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour with type arguments of type Contour
 List<Contour> ContourModel.getChildren(Contour parent, List<Contour> result)
          Get the children of a specific contour.
 List<Contour> ContourModel.getRoots(List<Contour> result)
          Get the root contours.

Uses of Contour in edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour.java

Subinterfaces of Contour in edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour.java
 interface InstanceContour
          An instance contour.
 interface JavaContour
          Superinterface for all Java-specific contour interfaces.
 interface MethodContour
          A method contour, representing a method's activation.
 interface StaticContour
          A static contour, representing a class' static context.

JIVE Platform
Release 0.2.2