JIVE Platform
Release 0.2.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ContourID
edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour Interfaces and classes to support the contour model of program execution. 
edu.bsu.cs.jive.events Interfaces that define the JiveLog representation for program execution history. 
edu.bsu.cs.jive.util Miscellaneous utility classes and interfaces for JIVE. 
edu.buffalo.cse.jive.sequence Sequence model used to represent program execution history. 
edu.buffalo.cse.jive.ui.search JIVE runtime search support. 
edu.buffalo.cse.jive.ui.search.queries JIVE search queries. 

Uses of ContourID in edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour

Methods in edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour that return ContourID
 ContourID Value.ContourReference.getContourID()
          Returns the identifier of the contour referenced by the value.
 ContourID ContourModel.getParent(ContourID id)
          Get the parent (enclosing contour) of a specific contour, by its id.
 ContourID Contour.id()
          Get the contour identifier for this contour.
 ContourID Contour.Importer.provideID()
          Read the contour identifier

Methods in edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour that return types with arguments of type ContourID
 List<ContourID> ContourModel.getChildren(ContourID parentID)
          Get the children of a specific contour.
 List<ContourID> ContourModel.getChildren(ContourID parentID, List<ContourID> result)
          Get the children of a specific contour.

Methods in edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour with parameters of type ContourID
 void Value.ContourReference.Exporter.addContourID(ContourID contourID)
          Export the identifier of the contour referenced by this value
 void ContourCreationRecord.Exporter.addContourID(ContourID id)
 void Contour.Exporter.addID(ContourID id)
          Export the contour identifier for this contour
 boolean ContourModel.contains(ContourID id)
          Check if the contour model contains a specific contour by ID.
 int ContourModel.countChildren(ContourID parent)
          Count the number of children of a specific contour.
 List<ContourID> ContourModel.getChildren(ContourID parentID)
          Get the children of a specific contour.
 List<ContourID> ContourModel.getChildren(ContourID parentID, List<ContourID> result)
          Get the children of a specific contour.
 Contour ContourModel.getContour(ContourID id)
          Get the contour associated with a specific contour ID.
 ContourID ContourModel.getParent(ContourID id)
          Get the parent (enclosing contour) of a specific contour, by its id.

Method parameters in edu.bsu.cs.jive.contour with type arguments of type ContourID
 List<ContourID> ContourModel.getChildren(ContourID parentID, List<ContourID> result)
          Get the children of a specific contour.

Uses of ContourID in edu.bsu.cs.jive.events

Methods in edu.bsu.cs.jive.events that return ContourID
 ContourID ReturnEvent.Returner.InModel.contour()
          Get the contour that is the returner.
 ContourID CallEvent.Caller.InModel.contour()
          Get the contour for the caller.
 ContourID CallEvent.Target.InModel.contour()
          Get the contour ID of this target.
 ContourID CallEvent.Target.InModel.enclosing()
          Get the contour ID of the contour (object or static) enclosing this contour.
 ContourID ExceptionEvent.Importer.provideCatcher()
          Provides the catcher of the exception.
 ContourID AssignEvent.Importer.provideContourID()
          Provide the identifier for the contour that contains the variable whose value is changing.
 ContourID NewEvent.Importer.provideEnclosingContourID()
          Provide the identifier of the contour into which this stack of contours should be nested.
 ContourID LoadEvent.Importer.provideEnclosingContourID()
          Provide the identifier of the contour into which the most generic contour of this load event should be nested.

Methods in edu.bsu.cs.jive.events with parameters of type ContourID
 void ExceptionEvent.Exporter.addCatcher(ContourID catcher)
          Adds the catcher of the exception.
 void AssignEvent.Exporter.addContourID(ContourID contourID)
          Adds the identifier for the contour that contains the variable whose value is changing.
 void NewEvent.Exporter.addEnclosingContourID(ContourID enclosingID)
          Add the enclosing contour ID.
 void LoadEvent.Exporter.addEnclosingContourID(ContourID enclosingID)
          Supply the enclosing contour id.

Uses of ContourID in edu.bsu.cs.jive.util

Methods in edu.bsu.cs.jive.util that return ContourID
 ContourID ContourIDFactory.create(ContourID.Importer builder)
          Get an instance of a contour ID from the given builder.

Uses of ContourID in edu.buffalo.cse.jive.sequence

Methods in edu.buffalo.cse.jive.sequence that return ContourID
 ContourID ExecutionOccurrence.context()
          Returns the context identifier of the execution occurrence.
 ContourID ExecutionOccurrence.id()
          Returns the identifier of the execution occurrence.
 ContourID SequenceModel.objectContext(ExecutionOccurrence execution)
          Returns the object context of the given ExecutionOccurrence.
 ContourID ExecutionOccurrence.Importer.provideContext()
 ContourID ExecutionOccurrence.Importer.provideID()

Methods in edu.buffalo.cse.jive.sequence with parameters of type ContourID
 void ExecutionOccurrence.Exporter.addContext(ContourID context)
 void ExecutionOccurrence.Exporter.addID(ContourID id)

Uses of ContourID in edu.buffalo.cse.jive.ui.search

Constructors in edu.buffalo.cse.jive.ui.search with parameters of type ContourID
ContourIDTokenizer(ContourID id)
          Constructs a tokenizer for the supplied ContourID and tokenizes it.

Uses of ContourID in edu.buffalo.cse.jive.ui.search.queries

Methods in edu.buffalo.cse.jive.ui.search.queries with parameters of type ContourID
 void ExceptionCaughtSearchQuery.ExceptionEventExporter.addCatcher(ContourID catcher)
 void VariableChangedSearchQuery.AssignEventExporter.addContourID(ContourID id)
 void InvariantViolatedSearchQuery.AssignEventExporter.addContourID(ContourID id)
 void ObjectCreatedSearchQuery.NewEventExporter.addEnclosingContourID(ContourID enclosingID)

JIVE Platform
Release 0.2.2